Horticulture and forestry
The use of biofumigation in orchards with apple replant disease - a review
Autorzy: R. Wieczorek, P. Zydlik
The multifaceted response of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) to biofortification with iron
Autorzy: J. Suliburska, T. Kleiber, R. Gaj, K. Dziedzic -
Effect of natural light on development of adventitious roots in stem cuttings of Salix babylonica ‘Tortuosa’: histological and biochemical evaluation
Autorzy: A. Marasek-Ciołakowska, W. Wiczkowski, D. Szawara-Nowak, W. Kaszubski, J. Góraj-Koniarska, J. Mitrus, M. Saniewski, M. Horbowicz -
Influence of nitrogen fertilizers on the concentrations of inulin and micronutrients in Jerusalem artichoke tubers and root chicory
Autorzy: J. Wierzbowska, B. Cwalina-Ambroziak, A. Waśkiewicz, B. Bogucka
Response of young fig (Ficus carica cv. Sarılop) trees to different irrigation levels in a semi-arid mediterranean environment
Autorzy: S. Akçay, P. Doğan
The effect of fluridone on breaking the dormancy of inflorescence shoots and the content of pigments in Muscari armeniacum Leichtl. ex Baker leaves
Autorzy: A. Marasek-Ciołakowska, J. Mitrus, M. Saniewski, J. Góraj-Koniarska, M. Horbowicz -
Chemical composition, nitrate content, and yield of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) grown under different concentrations of NaCl
Autorzy: B. Markiewicz, M. Bosiacki, J. Rogalski, K. Misiak, E. Mieloszyk, M. Mieloch -
Efficacy of different media carriers on tomatoes production in greenhouse condition
Autorzy: Z. Ul Haq, R. Ahmad, J. Sial, A. Saad, A. Ali Khan -
Urban areas as emitters of potentially toxic elements to urban and suburban forest ecosystems in Poland: a review
Autorzy: M. Jastrzębska, M.K. Kostrzewska -
Copper, zinc, iron and manganese content in edible parts of some fresh vegetables sold on markets in PoznańAutorzy: M. Bosiacki, W. Tyksiński
Effect of silicate fertilizers on yielding of greenhouse cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in container culitivationAutorzy: R. Górecki, W. Danielski-Busch
Content of macroelements in eggplant fruits depending on varied potassium fertilizationAutorzy: Z. Michałojć, H. Buczkowska
Response of Lukasovka pear trees to foliar zinc spraysAutorzy: P. Wójcik, W. Popińska
A comparison of the efficiency of organic and mineral iron compounds in the greenhouse cultivation of lettuceAutorzy: E. Kozik, W. Tyksiński, M. Bosiacki
Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization on the content of macroelements in fruits of aubergine (Solanum melongena L.) grown on organic substratesAutorzy: B. Markiewicz, T. Kleiber, A. Golcz, M. Bosiacki
Preliminary evaluation of the influence of soil fertilization and foliar nutrition with iodine on the effectiveness of iodine biofortification and mineral composition of carrotAutorzy: B. Smolik, S. Rożek, P. Strzetelski, I. Ledwożyw-Smoleń
Effect of nitrogen fertilization on the yield and nutritive value of Beta vulgaris L.Autorzy: K. Dzida, Z. Jarosz, Z. Michałojć
Effect of traffic pollution on chemical composition of raw elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.)Autorzy: B. Kołodziej, J. Antonkiewicz, N. Maksymiec, K. Drożdżal
The influence of nitrogen fertilization with ENTEC-26 and ammonium nitrate on the concentration of thirty-one elements in carrot (Daucus carota L.) storage rootsAutorzy: S. Smoleń, W. Sady, J. Wierzbińska
Content of macroelements in fruits of ukrainian cultivars of Hardy kiwifruit and Actinidia charta depending on the weather conditions during the phenological phasesAutorzy: A. Bieniek, E. Dragańska
Effect of nitrogen fertilization on the content of trace elements in cv. Bianca grapevine (Vitis sp.)Autorzy: I. Domagała-Świątkiewicz, M. Gąstoł
The effect of substrates containing municipal sewage sludge compost on the accumulation of macrocomponents in Impatiens walleriana Hook.Autorzy: A. Zawadzińska, P. Salachna
Effect of salt stress caused by deicing on the content of microelements in leaves of lindenAutorzy: W. Dmuchowski, B. Rutkowska, W. Szulc, A. Baczewska, D. Gozdowski, I. Suwara, P. Brągoszewska
Coexistence of Aphis fabae Scop. predators on broad bean growing on soil pollution with heavy metalsAutorzy: J. Gospodarek, A. Kafel
Influence of growth conditions and grafting on the yield, chemical composition and sensory quality of tomato fruit in greenhouse cultivationAutorzy: J. Gajc-Wolska, D. Bujalski, K. Kowalczyk, M. Marcinkowska, J. Radzanowska
Influence of foliar fertilisation with calcium fertilisers on the firmness and chemical composition of two highbush blueberry cultivarsAutorzy: I. Ochmian, K. Kozos
Determination of the response of Gypsophila arrostii Guss. to boron under in vitro conditionsAutorzy: M. Yorgancilar, M. Kocaoğlu Kavas
Chemical composition of cherry fruit from the cultivars Kelleris 16 and Łutówka depending on different water conditions and fertilization
Autorzy: A. Jaroszewska, R. Kowalewska -
Yielding and biological value of garlic chives (Allium tuberosum Rottl. ex Spreng.) depending on the type of mulchAutorzy: K. Adamczewska-Sowińska, J. Turczuk
Mineral composition and the content of phenolic compounds of ten broccoli cultivarsAutorzy: M. Bosiacki, B. Frąszczak, A. Kałużewicz
Efficiency of CaCl2 spray at different fruit development stages on the fruit mineral nutrient accumulation in cv. Hayward kiwifruitAutorzy: M. Shiri, M. Ghasemnezhad, J. Fattahi Moghaddam, R. Ebrahimi
The influence of street conditions on sea buckthorn fruit quality and content of micro- and macronutrients in berries and in soilAutorzy: I. Ochmian, K. Mijowska, M. Nowakowska
Content of minerals in soil, apple tree leaves and fruits depending on nitrogen fertilizationAutorzy: D. Wrona, W. Kowalczyk, S. Przybyłko
Effect of titanium application on lettuce growth under Mn stressAutorzy: T. Kleiber
Effecct of manganese on the in vitro development and accumulation of iron and magnesium in Dendrobium kingianum BidwillAutorzy: R. Prażak, J. Molas
Effect of manganese on yield and quality of hydroponically grown lettuceAutorzy: S. Gawroński, A. Przybysz, H. Gawrońska, M. Małecka-Przybysz, S. Pietrzyk, M. Wrochna
Influence of sodium chloride on selected growth parameters and macronutrient content in pelargonium leavesAutorzy: T. Kleiber, M. Bosiacki, W. Breś, E. Mieloszyk, A. Kupska
Mineral nutrient concentrations in the rhizomes of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) grown in different horticultural substratesAutorzy: J. Majkowska-Gadomska, A. Dobrowolski, E. Mikulewicz
Mineral composition of some edible flowers
Autorzy: M. Grzeszczuk, E. Meller, A. Stefaniak, G. Wysocka
Effect of shelterwood cuttings on soil chemical properties in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests in Europe's hemiboreal zone, in LithuaniaAutorzy: V. Marozas, J. Sasnauskienė, A. Dautartė, A. Gavenauskas, N. Sabienė, K. Armolaitis
Influence of biostimulants on the content of macro- and micronutrients in broccoli plants exposed to drought stressAutorzy: M. Bosiacki, T. Spiżewski, A. Kałużewicz
Applicability of fertigation in cultivation of selected taxa of ornamental shrubs
Autorzy: T. Kleiber, A. Golcz, M. Golcz-Polaszewska -
Flood fertigation of leaf lettuce grown in various substrates
Autorzy: J. Dyśko, S. Kaniszewski, T. Sabat
Effect of differentiated iron nutrition on the content of macronutrients in leaves of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata L.) cultivated in peat substrateAutorzy: E. Kozik, A. Golcz, E. Wojciechowska, E. Mieloszyk
The fertilizer value of post-harvest residues of Trigonella foenum-graecum L.
Autorzy: J. Wierzbowska, K. Żuk-Gołaszewska
Influence of mulching and foliar nutrition on the formation of bulbs and content of some components in leaves and bulbs of Spanish bluebell (Hyacinthoides hispanica (Mill.) Rothm.)Autorzy: D. Wach, M. Błażewicz-Woźniak, A. Najda, S. Mucha
Accumulation of selected macronutrients and tolerance towards selenium of garden pea treated with selenite and selenateAutorzy: S. Smoleń, B. Politycka, S. Łukaszewicz
The effect of climatic conditions in successive plant growing seasons on the response of selected varieties of apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh.)Autorzy: T. Kleiber, I. Morkunas, Z. Zydlik, K. Rutkowski, S. Świerczyński, J. Seo, H. Yoon, K. Kang
A review of progress in current research on Chinese flowering cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis var. utilis Tsen et Lee)Autorzy: T. Kleiber, W. Liu, Y. Liu
Analyses of the nutritional composition and mineral element content of Lonicera fulvotomentosa Hsu et S.C. Cheng grown in ChinaAutorzy: X. Jiang, L. Xiao
Selenium concentrations in two known effective anti-miscarriage herbal mixtures
Autorzy: G. Adedeji, T. Elufioye, A. Aiyeloja, I. David, C. Ehoro
Quince seeds as a potential source of mineral and biological active compoundsAutorzy: R. Prażak, A. Krzepiłko
Effect of foliar potassium and calcium applications on the nutrient status, fruit quality and yield of apple tree varietiesAutorzy: Z. Küçükyumuk, O. Sürücü
Mineral elements and chemical composition essential oil from leaves and flowers of selected lemon-scented Ocimum speciesAutorzy: D. Jadczak, A. Wesołowska
Effect of organic and inorganic stimulants on the content of glucosinolates in winter rape seedAutorzy: M. Gugała, K. Zarzecka, A. Sikorska, Ł. Domański
Nutritional components and antioxidant activities of Firmiana platanifolia seeds in response to different germination timesAutorzy: S. Gao, X. Zhi, W. Qian, Y. Song, C. Mu, D. Yu, X. Lin
Mineral components in green stems and inflorescences of Allium tuberosum Rottler ex SprengelAutorzy: A. Żurawik, P. Żurawik
The influence of black currant (Ribes nigrum) seed extract on effectiveness of human ceruloplasmin in Fe(II) ions eliminationAutorzy: M. Budzyń-Napierała, M. Iskra, T. Wielkoszyński, M. Małecka, B. Gryszczyńska
Polyphenolic compounds and bioelements in fruits of eastern teaberry (Gaultheria procumbens L.) harvested in different fruit maturity phasesAutorzy: B. Pliszka, G. Huszcza-Ciołkowska, J. Waźbińska
Effect of fertilization on yield and quality of cultivar Kent strawberry fruitAutorzy: P. Chełpiński, K. Skupień, I. Ochmian
Use of selected metal ions for the separation of peptides isolated from thermally processed string beansAutorzy: M. Karaś, B. Baraniak
Differentiated microelement content in anthurium (Anthurium cultorum Birdsey) leavesAutorzy: T. Kleiber, A. Komosa
Effect of polymer supersorbent added to medium on the content of mineral elements in strawberry leaves and fruitAutorzy: G. Mikiciuk, M. Mikiciuk
Effect of plant biostimulation with Pentakeep V fertilizer and nitrogen fertilization on the content of macro- and micronutrients in spinachAutorzy: S. Smoleń, W. Sady
Effect of nitrogen fertilization on P, K, Mg, Ca and S content in soil and edible parts of white cabbageAutorzy: I. Domagała-Świątkiewicz, W. Sady
Inlfuence of increasing nitrogen fertilization on content of microelements in grasses cultivated on ornamental lawnsAutorzy: T. Kleiber, A. Komosa
Comparison of the content of some chemical compounds in two endive cultivars grown on an open field (Cichorium endivia L.)Autorzy: E. Rekowska, B. Jurga-Szlempo
Content of mineral components in roots of selected cultivars of beetrootAutorzy: E. Rekowska, B. Jurga-Szlempo
Preliminary evaluation of the influence of iodine and nitrogen fertilization on the effectiveness of iodine biofortification and mineral composition of carrot storage rootsAutorzy: S. Smoleń, W. Sady, S. Rożek, P. Strzetelski, I. Ledwożyw-Smoleń
Content of nitratesV and III and heavy metals in selected Brassica vegetables depending on storageAutorzy: A. Czech, A. Malik
Effect of foliar application of salicylic acid on the response of tomato plants to oxidative stress and salinityAutorzy: I. Kowalska, S. Smoleń
Effect of varied NPK fertilisation on the yield size, content of essential oil and mineral composition of caraway fruit (Carum carvi L.)Autorzy: W. Kozera, E. Majcherczak, B. Barczak
Effect of the biostimulator Asahi SL on the mineral content of eggplants (Solanum melongenum L.) grown in an unheated plastic tunnelAutorzy: J. Majkowska-Gadomska, B. Wróblewska-Wierzbicka
Impact of physical and chemical parameters of the subsoil on the botanical composition of sports field turfAutorzy: J. Pawluczuk, K. Grabowski
Content of zinc and iron in common bean seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in different weed control methodsAutorzy: H. Klikocka, J. Onuch
Yields and biological value of three herbal species from the Lamiaceae familyAutorzy: K. Dzida, G. Zawiślak, K. Karczmarz
Effect of flood fertigation on yield of greenhouse lettuce grown in different substratesAutorzy: J. Dyśko, S. Kaniszewski, T. Sabat
Content of macro- and microelements in sweet pepper fruits depending on foliar feeding with calciumAutorzy: Z. Michałojć, H. Buczkowska, J. Konopińska, P. Kowalik
Determination of the tolerance of sunflower to lead-induced stressAutorzy: S. Gawroński, M. Wińska-Krysiak, K. Koropacka
Effect of the phosphorus content in a nutrient solution on the expression of genes encoding phosphorus transporters in tomato grown on different substratesAutorzy: I. Kowalska, M. Wińska-Krysiak
Dynamics, structure and chemistry of litterfall in headwater riparian forest in the area of Middle PomeraniaAutorzy: J. Jonczak, A. Parzych, Z. Sobisz, M. Olejniczak
Assessment of the sea buckthorn growing in urban conditions – the quality of berries and leavesAutorzy: I. Ochmian, K. Mijowska, M. Nowakowska
Time-related variability of the mineral content in birch tree sapAutorzy: M. Bilek, K. Stawarczyk, P. Kuźniar, W. Szwerc, R. Kocjan
Nutritional quality and safety of moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam., 1785) leaves as an alternative source of protein and mineralsAutorzy: A. Jaroszewska, W. Biel, E. Łysoń
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the content of zinc in lettuce grown at two phosphorus levels and an elevated zinc level in a nutrient solutionAutorzy: I. Kowalska, A. Konieczny
The content of selected elements in drinking water, prevalence of caries and hygienic habits of 15-year-olds living in Lviv (Ukraine) and Lublin (Poland)Autorzy: Z. Jarosz, K. Dzida, K. Pitura, T. Bachanek, R. Chalas, A. Zimenkovski, B. Hendzel, E. Wolańska, D. Samborski, V. Szybińsky, W. Duralak, M. Dudkiewicz, B. Tymczyna
Effect of mycorrhization and variety on the chemical composition and antioxidant activity of sea buckthorn berriesAutorzy: A. Telesiński, A. Jaroszewska, W. Biel
The stock and content of micronutrients in aboveground biomass of Scots pine stands of different densitiesAutorzy: A. Węgiel, K. Polowy, E. Bielinis
Effect of concentrations and forms of boron on the nutritional status of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) grown on rockwool
Autorzy: B. Markiewicz -
Yield and biological properties of leaf parsley (Petroselinum Crispum (Mill.) Nym. Ex A.W. Hillc Convar. Crispum)
Autorzy: D. Jadczak, G. Wysocka, K. Bojko, M. Szymańska -
Effect of nitrogen and potassium fertilization on the magnesium content in vineyard soil, and in the leaves and berries of Bianca and Sibera grapevine cultivarsAutorzy: I. Domagała-Świątkiewicz, M. Gąstoł, A. Kiszka
Effect of a small retention system on the temperature and chemistry of a mid-forest headwater streamAutorzy: J. Jonczak, A. Parzych
Yield and nutrient status of greenhouse tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) grown in new and re-used rockwool and polyurethane, NFT and aeroponicsAutorzy: T. Kleiber, A. Komosa, B. Markiewicz, E. Mieloszyk, M. Mieloch
Foliar application of some growth bioregulators and their effect on the yield and nut quality in pecan
Autorzy: D. Ojeda-Barrios, L. Orozco-Melendez, O. Hernández-Rodríguez, O. Cruz-Alvarez, R. Cano-Medrano, J. Jacobo-Cuellar, R. Parra-Quezada, J. Jimenez-Castro
The influence of a soil activator containing humic acids on the yield and quality of apples in conditions of replantationAutorzy: Z. Zydlik, P. Zydlik, D. Kayzer
Effect of flat covers on the concentrations of micronutrients, heavy metals and nitrates in arugula leavesAutorzy: A. Francke
Effects of different potassium doses on growth rates and micronutrients of drought-sensitive beansAutorzy: T. Kabay
Evaluation of almond cultivars for the morphological, physiological, and nutritional traits under water deficit conditions
Autorzy: M. Aazami, F. Rasouli, R. Panahi Tajaragh
Responses of the growth and nutrient stoichiometry in Ricinus communis seedlings on four soil typesAutorzy: S. Gao, X. Zhi, J. Zou, N. Ma, T. Liu, Y. Hu, Y. Yao, W. Hong rui
Concentration of heavy metals in urban allotment soils and their uptake by selected vegetable crop species - a case study from Gorzów Wielkopolski, PolandAutorzy: M. Bosiacki, T. Spiżewski, L. Bednorz
Pro-health potential of Prunus avium L. and Prunus domestica L. leaves cultivated in different water conditionsAutorzy: A. Telesiński, A. Jaroszewska, C. Podsiadło
Effects of nitrogen on growth parameters and photosynthetic characteristics of P. chinense Schneid. seedlings in three soil typesAutorzy: S. Gao, Y. Wang, Y. Yao, W. Meng Ying, H. Ren, T. Gu, J. He
Mineral composition of high blueberry leaves and fruits depending on substrate type used for cultivationAutorzy: I. Ochmian, P. Chełpiński, M. Mikiciuk, J. Grajkowski, K. Ostrowska
Effect of different potassium soil levels and forms of potassium fertilizers on micro-elemetal nutrion status of apple trees in early fruition periodAutorzy: A. Szewczuk, A. Komosa, E. Gudarowska
Effect of nitrogen fertilization on Cu, Mn, Zn, Fe, B and Mo availability in commercially grown white head cabbageAutorzy: I. Domagała-Świątkiewicz, W. Sady
Quality characteristics and content of mineral compounds in fruit of some cultivars of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)Autorzy: D. Jadczak, M. Grzeszczuk, D. Kosecka
Effect of foliar application of anthracene and pyrene (PAH) on yields and chemical composition of butterhead lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) grown under varied abundance of substrate in nutrientsAutorzy: S. Krzebietke, S. Sienkiewicz
Physiological response of plants and cadmium accumulation in heads of two cultivars of white cabbageAutorzy: R. Bączek-Kwinta, A. Bartoszek, J. Antonkiewicz
Changes in the chemical composition of the rhizosphere of tomato grown on inert substrates in a prolonged cycleAutorzy: Z. Jarosz, Z. Michałojć, K. Dzida
Accumulation of potassium, magnesium, calcium in fresh and cold stored leaves of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) after CaCl2 foliar treatment before harvestAutorzy: I. Perucka, K. Olszówka
Using two methods for plant material preparation in order to determine the content of bioelements in red cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L. f. rubra)Autorzy: B. Pliszka, G. Huszcza-Ciołkowska, E. Mieleszko, B. Wróblewska-Wierzbicka, E. Januszewicz
Comparison of qualitative traits, biological value, chemical compounds of sweet pepper fruitAutorzy: H. Buczkowska, Z. Michałojć
Speciation of carbon and selected metals in spent mushroom substratesAutorzy: D. Kalembasa , M. Becher
Factors influencing mineral composition of plum fruitsAutorzy: T. Milošević, N. Milošević
Changes in the content of some macronutrients in basil herbage induced by different nitrogen and potassium fertilization ratesAutorzy: R. Nurzyńska-Wierdak, Z. Jarosz, K. Dzida, E. Rożek, B. Borowski
Yield and chemical content of carrot storage roots depending on foliar fertilization with magnesium and duration of storageAutorzy: J. Pobereżny, E. Wszelaczyńska, A. Keutgen
Content of macro- and microelements in the yield of garlic chives (Allium tuberosum rottler ex spreng.) according to the plant ageAutorzy: A. Żurawik, D. Jadczak, P. Żurawik
Effect of foliar fertilization with tytanit on the content of selected macroelements and sodium in celeryAutorzy: S. Kalembasa, D. Kalembasa , K. Pakuła, E. Malinowska, B. Symanowicz
The effect of polimag S fertilizer on the macronutrient content of the edible parts of three welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.) cultivarsAutorzy: J. Majkowska-Gadomska, K. Arcichowska-Pisarska
Suitability of some nitrogen fertilizers for the cultivation of early cabbageAutorzy: P. Chohura, E. Kołota
Biofortification - promising approach to increasing the content of iron and zinc in staple food cropsAutorzy: E. Sánchez, M. García-Bañuelos, J. Sida-Arreola
Lignite as a new medium in soilless cultivation of tomatoAutorzy: J. Dyśko, S. Kaniszewski, W. Kowalczyk
Culinary herbs – the nutritive value and content of mineralsAutorzy: B. Kiczorowska, R. Klebaniuk, M. Bąkowski, A. Al-Yasiry
Effect of copper concentration on micropropagation and accumulation of some metals in the Dendrobium kingianum Bidwill OrchidAutorzy: R. Prażak, J. Molas
Elemental composition of fruits from different Black elder (Sambucus nigra L.) cultivars grown in the Czech Republic
Autorzy: P. Diviš, M. Vespalcová, J. Pořízka, A. Matějíček, J. Kaplan -
Influence of nitrogen doses on the chemical composition and proportions of nutrients in selected vegetable speciesAutorzy: Z. Michałojć, K. Pitura
Effect of mycorrhiza and the phosphorus content in a nutrient solution on the yield and nutritional status of lettuce grown on various substratesAutorzy: M. Gąstoł, I. Kowalska, A. Konieczny
The response of hydroponically grown lettuce under Mn stress to differentiated application of silica solAutorzy: K. Przygocka-Cyna, T. Kleiber, T. Spiżewski, W. Krzesiński
Effect of Polimag S on the yield and nutritional value of the Welsh onions (Allium fistolosum L.)Autorzy: J. Majkowska-Gadomska, A. Dobrowolski, K. Arcichowska-Pisarska , E. Mikulewicz
Influence of foliar treatment with silicon contained in the Actisil Hydro Plus preparation on the growth, flowering and chemical composition of Gazania rigens (L.) Gaertn., Salvia farinacea Benth and Verbena hybrida VossAutorzy: R. Dębicz, A. Pawlikowska, K. Wróblewska, P. Bąbelewski
Enrichment of some leafy vegetables with magnesiumAutorzy: S. Gawroński, A. Przybysz, H. Gawrońska, M. Małecka-Przybysz, M. Wrochna
The influence of geocomposites on the biomass production, the nutritional status of plants and the substrate characteristics in the container nursery production of Rosa cv. White Meidiland and Berberis thunbergii cv. Green CarpetAutorzy: R. Dębicz, P. Bąbelewski, M. Pancerz
The response of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum x grandiflorum Ramat./Kitam) cv. Covington to a different range of fluorescent and LED lightAutorzy: T. Kleiber, A. Schroeter-Zakrzewska, P. Zakrzewski
Effect of the date of planting seedlings and polypropylene fibre covering on the yield, nutritive value and quality of cv. Malaga F1 melonAutorzy: R. Rosa, J. Franczuk, E. Kosterna-Kelle, A. Zaniewicz-Bajkowska, M. Panasz, A. Ginter
Yield and mineral composition of storage roots of carrots (Daucus carota L.) protected with biological methodsAutorzy: J. Majkowska-Gadomska, A. Dobrowolski, E. Mikulewicz, K. Jadwisieńczak
Fenugreek: productivity, nutritional value and uses
Autorzy: J. Wierzbowska, K. Żuk-Gołaszewska
Research on nutritive value of selected mono- and multigerm breeding lines and cultivars of red beet rootsAutorzy: B. Jagosz
The flowering and nutritional status of Gladiolus hybridus cv. Black Velvet following a cytokinin treatmentAutorzy: B. Janowska, R. Andrzejak, D. Smolińska, M. Kwiatkowska, T. Kosiada
The content of selected heavy metals in fruiting bodies of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach. wild growing in PolandAutorzy: S. Krzebietke, M. Bosiacki, M. Siwulski, K. Sobieralski
Response of ‘Red Delicious’ apple trees to different liming strategies after drip fertigation with ammonium nitrateAutorzy: P. Wójcik
Yielding, chemical composition and nitrogen use efficiency determined for white cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.) supplied organo-mineral fertilizers from spent mushroom substrateAutorzy: E. Spychaj-Fabisiak, B. Rutkowska, W. Szulc, E. Kuśmirek, A. Kowalczyk, K. Dębska
Effect of deficit and over-standard boron content in nutrient solution on the biological value of tomato fruitAutorzy: B. Markiewicz, M. Muzolf-Panek, A. Kaczmarek
Effect of fluridone on the composition of fatty acids and other properties of tomato fruits
Autorzy: M. Horbowicz, J. Góraj-Koniarska, W. Wiczkowski, M. Saniewski, H. Dębski
Impact of application of Norway spruce sawdust (Picea abies) on sugar beet growth and yield and on selected soil parametersAutorzy: J. Wierzbowska, S. Smoleń, P. Kováčik
Determination of nutritional and chemical composition of some edible wild plants used in herby cheeseAutorzy: T. Eryigit, M. Tuncturk, R. Tuncturk
Effect of a preparation containing humic acids on selected physico-chemical and biological properties of replanted soilAutorzy: Z. Zydlik, P. Zydlik
Effect of a plant-based fertilizer and red clover mulch on some soil properties and the yield and quality of sweet pepper
Autorzy: A. Stępowska, S. Kaniszewski, K. Sikorska-Zimny
Effects of two different light intensities on plant growth, ion uptake and distribution in tomato plantsAutorzy: Ö. Üzal, F. Yasar, S. Akin
Characterization of mutant garlic genotypes based on volatile sulfur compounds and mineral contentAutorzy: F. Yarali Karakan, G. Beşirli, İ. Sönmez, B. Ergun Çetin, Ü. Erol, Y. Taner Kantoğlu, B. Kunter
Effects of mycorrhıza, seaweed and bıonutrıent applied to reduce salt stress on nutrIent content, plant growth, malondIaldehyde (MDA) and prolIne In pepperAutorzy: G. Yarsi
Evaluation of yield reductions in vineyards in connection with the soil nutrient content: the Rumi grape varietyAutorzy: I. Gökçen
Effect of fertilization with Fe chelates on the state of iron nutrition of greenhouse tomatoAutorzy: P. Chohura, A. Komosa, E. Kołota
Effect of soil contamination with anthracene and pyrene on yield and accumulation of macronutrients in butter lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)Autorzy: S. Krzebietke, S. Sienkiewicz
Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization on yielding and biological value of fruits of aubergine (Solanum melongena L.)Autorzy: B. Markiewicz, A. Golcz
Concentration and pools of heavy metals in organic soils in post-fire areas used as forests and meadowsAutorzy: A. Bogacz, P. Woźniczka, B. Łabaz
Content of macronutrients and values of mole ratios in leaves of the woolly foxglove (Digitalis lanata Ehrh.) cultivated under differentiated mineral fertilisationAutorzy: W. Kozera, E. Majcherczak
Preliminary evaluation of the influence of soil fertilization and foliar nutrition with iodine on the efficiency of iodine biofortification and chemical composition of lettuceAutorzy: S. Smoleń, S. Rożek, P. Strzetelski, I. Ledwożyw-Smoleń
Effect of foliar magnesium fertilisation and storage on some parametersAutorzy: E. Wszelaczyńska, J. Pobereżny
Yield and nutritional value of Japanese bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.) depending on the growing season and plant maturation stagAutorzy: K. Adamczewska-Sowińska, E. Kołota, C. Uklańska-Pusz
Fluoride content and biological value of flowers of some chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) cultivarsAutorzy: A. Telesiński, D. Jadczak, M. Grzeszczuk, H. Zakrzewska
Composition of essential oils and content of macronutrients in herbage of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) grown in south-eastern PolandAutorzy: G. Zawiślak, K. Dzida
The effect of diversified nitrogen fertilization on chemical composition of field - cultivated eggplantAutorzy: K. Adamczewska-Sowińska, M. Krygier
Vermicompost affects growth, nitrogen content, leaf gas exchange and productivity of pepper plantsAutorzy: M. Berova, N. Stoeva, Z. Zlatev, G. Karanatsidis, G. Pevicharova
Efficiency of chelate forms of micronutrients in nutrition of greenhouse tomato grown in rockwoolAutorzy: E. Kołota, A. Komosa, P. Chohura
Effect of nutrient solution concentration on yield and quality of gerbera grown in perliteAutorzy: W. Breś, A. Kozłowska, T. Walczak
Changes in the chemical composition of organic media used in cultivation of garden horned violet (Viola cornuta L.) from the Patiola F1 groupAutorzy: A. Dobrowolska, D. Janicka
Description and assessment of chemical properties of fruits of the chocolate vine (five-leaf Akebia) Akebia quinata (Houtt.) Decne and dead man's fingers Decaisnea insignis (Griff.) Hokk.f. & Thomson, grown in Szczecin and in the Arboretum in Glinna (northwestern Poland)Autorzy: I. Ochmian, T. Guan, M. Kubus
The effect of Tytanit application on the content of selected microelements and the biological value of tomato fruitsAutorzy: B. Markiewicz, T. Kleiber
Assessment of air pollutants in an urban agglomeration in Poland made by the biomonitoring of trees
Autorzy: P. Tkaczyk, S. Chwil, J. Kozłowska-Strawska, P. Chwil, R. Matraszek -
Effect of biostimulants and storage on the content of macroelements in storage roots of carrotAutorzy: I. Ochmian, E. Wszelaczyńska, J. Pobereżny, A. Keutgen, M. Szczepanek, E. Wilczewski
Response of the yield and mineral composition of garden thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) herbage to various NPK proportionsAutorzy: W. Kozera, E. Majcherczak, E. Wszelaczyńska, J. Pobereżny, T. Knapowski, B. Barczak
Accumulation of manganese in selected links of food chains in aquatic ecosystemsAutorzy: B. Wiśniowska-Kielian, M. Niemiec
Content of some chemical components in carrot (Daucus carota L.) roots depending on growth stimulators and stubble cropsAutorzy: B. Kołodziej, M. Tomczyńska-Mleko, M. Haliniarz, C. Kwiatkowski, E. Harasim
Content of macro- and micronutrients in green and blanched leaves of garlic chives (Allium tuberosum Rottler ex Sprengel)Autorzy: A. Żurawik, P. Żurawik
Effect of choline-stabilized orthosilic acid application on tomato grown under increasing Mn stressAutorzy: T. Kleiber, M. Bosiacki, W. Breś
Evaluation of the content of inorganic anions in tree saps
Autorzy: M. Bilek, K. Stawarczyk, M. Olszewski, K. Kędziora, E. Cieślik, P. Kuźniar
Content of nutrients in soils of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) plantations in Poland in a long-term studyAutorzy: A. Komosa, J. Roszyk, M. Mieloch
Geographical variations in elemental compositions of two pesticidal plants from three agro-ecosystems in Nigeria and their wood protection potentiality
Autorzy: G. Adedeji, F. Eguakun, T. Elufioye, A. Egubogo -
Effects of nitrogen fertilization on the mineral status of plants and the chemical composition of scallop squash fruitsAutorzy: E. Kołota, A. Balbierz
Composition of essential oils and some antioxidants in flowers of three Chrysanthemum cultivarsAutorzy: M. Grzeszczuk, A. Wesołowska
Effect of the size of containers and number of plants per pot on concentrations of nitrates(V), mercury and lead in the herbage of six botanical varieties of basilAutorzy: J. Majkowska-Gadomska, E. Mikulewicz, K. Jadwisieńczak, A. Kulczycka
Effect of selenium on the content of essential micronutrients and their translocation in garden peaAutorzy: S. Smoleń, B. Politycka, S. Łukaszewicz
Content of selected minerals in the fruit of Saskatoon berry (Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt.) genotypes grown in central PolandAutorzy: G. Zaguła, D. Migut, J. Gorzelany, S. Pluta
Effects of boron application and treatment with effective microorganisms on the growth, yield and some quality attributes of broccoliAutorzy: R. Rosa, J. Franczuk, A. Zaniewicz-Bajkowska, D. Słonecka
Influence of fertilization and mycorrhiza on growth and development of rhododendron (Rhododendron hybridum) in a nurseryAutorzy: Z. Jarosz, Z. Michałojć, K. Dzida, K. Pitura, M. Koter, A. Jamiołkowska, A. Księżniak
Seasonal variations in leaf nutrient concentrations in three fig (Ficus carica L.) varieties
Autorzy: N. Moustakas, K. Benou, D. Ioannou -
Mineral composition of fruits and leaves of San Andreas® everbearing strawberry in soilless cultivationAutorzy: K. Gondek, M. Kopeć, M. Mierzwa-Hersztek, R. Jarosz, T. Zaleski, S. Bogdał, M. Bieniasz, E. Kaczmarczyk, J. Knaga, J. Nawrocki, M. Pniak, B. Kowalczyk, J. Błaszczyk,
Effect of rootstock on leaf nutrient concentration and productive value of ‘Mutsu’ apple treesAutorzy: Z. Spiak, I. Sosna, E. Gudarowska
Effect of applıcatıons of different potassıum (K+) doses on antıoxıdant enzyme actıvıtıes in pepper plants under salt stressAutorzy: Ö. Üzal, F. Yasar
Responses of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in different root orders of Zanthoxylum armatum seedlings to four soil typesAutorzy: S. Gao, X. Zhi, M. Jiang, Y. Wang, Z. Guo, W. Gong
Effect of the type of substrate on concentrations of macronutrients and micronutrients in leaves of mizuna grown in containersAutorzy: A. Francke, J. Majkowska-Gadomska, K. Młyńska
Effects of HPS and LED lighting on the growth and the content of selected nutrients in the fruits of Cucumis sativus L.
Autorzy: M. Bosiacki, K. Misiak, T. Kaczor -
Correction: Determination of 13 toxic and physiological elements in herbs originating from China by ICP MSAutorzy: D. Barałkiewicz, A. Sajnóg, E. Koko
Boron toxicity and PGPR phytoremediation effects on physiological and biochemical parameters of medical sage (Salvia officinalis L.).Autorzy: T. Eryigit, M. Tuncturk, R. Tuncturk, M. Yolci
Determination of the effects of urban sewage sludge and boron applications on seedling development and nutritional content of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)Autorzy: M. Çirka
Effect of flood fertıgatıon on yıeld of greenhouse crısphead lettuce grown ın varıous substrates
Autorzy: J. Dyśko, S. Kaniszewski, T. Sabat -
Antioxidant potential, mineral composition and inhibitory effects of conifer needle extract on hyaluronidase - prospects of application in functional foodAutorzy: M. Dziedziński, J. Kobus-Cisowska, K. Stuper-Szablewska, J. Cielecka-Piontek, R. Wilk, D. Ludowicz
Effects of seaweed fertIlIzer and wood vInegar applIcatIon on nutrIent uptake, plant growth and yIeld of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) grown in a greenhouseAutorzy: G. Yarsi
The effect of the use of vermicompost, leonardite and pomace on some soil properties in olive cultivationAutorzy: A. Eren, E. Sakar, İ. Bayyiğit