Yield and nutrient status of greenhouse tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) grown in new and re-used rockwool and polyurethane, NFT and aeroponics
Issue: 2/2020
Recevied: Jul 26, 2019
Accepted: Dec 16, 2019
Published: February 28, 2020
Komosa A., Markiewicz B., Kleiber T., Mieloszyk E., Mieloch Mo.
Categories: Horticulture and forestry
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2019.24.3.1894
There is a need to introduce to horticultural practice new methods of plant cultivation which will allow us to obtain optimal yields while reducing water and fertilizer consumption and avoiding environmental pollution. Four methods of growing greenhouse tomato cv. Tomimaru Muchoo F1 in a system with nutrient solution recirculation were compared, i.e. cultivation in new and re-used 1- or 2-year-old rockwool and polyurethane foam slabs, NFT and aeroponic culture. The highest marketable and total fruit yields were in the aeroponic culture. They were by 29.8 – 30.8% higher than in new rockwool slabs. Positive effects on tomato yield were obtained in the NFT (28.2 % higher than in new rockwool slabs) and re-used 1-year-old (26.7 – 29.4% higher) or 2-year-old polyurethane foam slabs (23.5 – 25.4% higher). Tomato growing in re-used 1-year old rockwool slabs was demonstrated as a feasible solution. The marketable and total yields were by 10.0 – 7.5% higher (respectively) than from tomatoes grown in new rockwool. The marketable and total greenhouse tomato yields obtained in re-used 1- or 2-year-old polyurethane foam slabs were significant higher than in new polyurethane slabs. The increase was 14.7 – 15.9% for marketable and 14.2 – 19. 7% for total yield. Greenhouse tomato yield in re-used 1- or 2-year-old polyurethane foam slabs was significantly higher than in new and re-used rockwool slabs. In re-used 1- or 2-year-old polyurethane foam slabs, the N-NO3, Ca, and Na content was significantly higher, which meant a higher EC of the nutrient solution. There was a significant decrease in the P content in re-used 1- or 2-year-old polyurethane slabs. A significant increase in the Ca content in re-used rockwool slabs was determined alongside a tendency towards higher Na, S-SO4 and EC in this substrate. The content of P, Zn and Cu in leaves of tomato plants grown in aeroponic culture was significantly lower, but Mg was higher than in leaves of tomatoes grown in rockwool, polyurethane and the NFT. A significantly lower content of K and Fe was determined in leaves of tomatoes grown in aeroponics than in rockwool and polyurethane substrates.

Komosa A., Markiewicz B., Kleiber T., Mieloszyk E., Mieloch M. 2020. Yield and nutrient status of greenhouse tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) grown in new and re-used rockwool and polyurethane, NFT and aeroponics. J. Elem., 25(2): 523 - 536. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2019.24.3.1894
closed system, recirculation of nutrient solution, fertigation, plant nutrition
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