Mineral elements and chemical composition essential oil from leaves and flowers of selected lemon-scented Ocimum species
Issue: 1/2023
Recevied: Oct 03, 2022
Accepted: Jan 12, 2023
Published: February 26, 2023
Wesołowska A., Jadczak D.
Categories: Food science, Horticulture and forestry
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2022.27.4.2341
This study aimed to compare the chemical composition of the essential oils obtained from the leaves and flowers of three Ocimum species cultivated in north-western Poland. The content of macro- and microelements as well as dry matter in the leaves and flowers of studied basils were also determined. Essential oils were isolated by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus from Ocimum × citriodorum Vis. (lemon basil), Ocimum americanum L. (lime basil) and Ocimum basilicum L. (cv. Sweet Dani Lemon) and analyzed by Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). The principle components of Lemon basil were linalool (35.34% in leaves and 39.54% in flowers), geranial (17.37% in leaves and 8.06% in flowers) and neral (13.56% in leaves and 6.49% in flowers). Geranial (27.67% in leaves and 18.43% in flowers), neral (21.70% in leaves and 14.70% in flowers), caryophyllene oxide (8.83% in leaves and 13.35% in flowers) and linalool (9.68% in leaves and 12.11% in flowers) dominated in Lime basil. Similarly, the Sweet Dani Lemon cultivar was rich in geranial (27.14% in leaves and 11.55% in flowers), neral (20.97% in leaves and 9.42% in flowers) and caryophyllene oxide (8.20% in leaves and 7.12% in flowers). Contents of macroelements in three Ocimum species were in the range: P (0.54 - 0.83 g kg-1), K (108.37 – 170.50 g kg-1), Ca (15.38 – 233.53 g kg-1), Mg (1.25 – 15.89 g kg-1) and Na (1.96 – 2.09 g kg-1). The concentration of microelements in the examined samples decreased as follows: Fe > Zn > Mn > Cu. The highest amounts of iron were determined in the leaves and flowers of O. americanum L. (500.37 mg kg-1 and 543.73 mg kg-1, respectively), while the highest content of zinc was determined in the flowers of O. basilicum L. (244.47 mg kg-1) and O. americanum L. (227.33 mg kg-1). The leaves of O. basilicum L. were the richest in manganese (117.3 mg kg-1), while flowers accumulated the greatest amounts of copper (68.55 mg kg-1).

Wesołowska A., Jadczak D. 2023. Mineral elements and chemical composition essential oil from leaves and flowers of selected lemon-scented Ocimum species. J.Elem., 28(1): 123-143. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2022.27.4.2341
lemon basil, sweet basil, essential oil, GC/MS, linalool, geranial, neral, caryophyllene oxide, macro- and microelements
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