Effect of foliar fertilization with tytanit on the content of selected macroelements and sodium in celery
Issue: 3/2014
Recevied: No data
Accepted: Jul 02, 2014
Published: September 1, 2014
Brak danych
Categories: Horticulture and forestry
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.3.699
Foliar application of growth regulators or fertilizers containing biostimulators can influence the uptake and accumulation of mineral elements by plants. A pot experiment carried out in two annual series (year of experiment I and II) examined the effect of various concentrations of Tytanit applied once or twice against mineral fertilization (NPK), in comparison with the control object (without fertilization) and the object with mineral fertilization (NPK), on the total content of potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium in petioles and leaf blades of celery. The experiment involved the application of various concentrations of Tytanit, ranging from 0.001% to 3.6%. The content of selected elements in the plant material was determined after dry mineralization, using the ICP – AES method. The total content of potassium in petioles of celery fertilized with NPK + 3.6% was higher or the same as in the control and in plants fertilized with NPK (I and II series). The results were similar in the case of leaf blades (except for series I). The highest concentration of Tytanit (3.6%) resulted in a reduction of the total calcium content in both of the tested parts of celery and magnesium in petioles, compared with the control. On the other hand, the total content of sodium increased along with the growth of the fertilizer concentration. The highest bioaccumulation of calcium was observed in celery cultivated in the object without fertilization (control). A significantly higher potassium content (mean from both series of research) and over two-fold higher content of calcium were found in celery leaf blades than in petioles, while a higher content of magnesium and sodium appeared in petioles than in leaf blades. The values of (K+Na) : (Ca+Mg) ratios in leaf blades were found to be over two-fold higher than in petioles of celery fertilized with Tytanit.

Kalembasa S., Malinowska E., Kalembasa D., Symanowicz B., Pakuła K. 2014. Effect of foliar fertilization with tytanit on the content of selected macroelements and sodium in celery. J. Elem., 19(3): 683-696, DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.3.699
petioles and leaf blades of celery, Tytanit concentration, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium
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