Influence of fertilization and mycorrhiza on growth and development of rhododendron (Rhododendron hybridum) in a nursery
Issue: 4/2019
Recevied: Jan 30, 2019
Accepted: May 22, 2019
Published: August 31, 2019
Michałojć Z., Koter M., Dzida K., Jarosz Z., Pitura K., Jamiołkowska A., Księżniak A.
Categories: Horticulture and forestry
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2019.24.1.1798
In recent years, a dynamic growth in the cultivation of plants from the Ericaceae family, including rhododendrons, has been observed. This study on rhododendron plants was carried out in containers under controlled conditions in 2011-2013. The aim was to show the influence of fertilization and mycorrhizal inoculation on the growth and development of rhododendron cv. Anneke in the first three years of cultivation. This cultivar belongs to the group of Knap-Hill-Exbury hybrids. A two-factor experiment was established in a complete randomization system. The following factors were investigated: different methods of fertilization and use of mycorrhizal vaccine. The starting material in the experiment were in vitro propagated seedlings. A significant effect of a fertilization method on the length and number of rhododendron shoots has been demonstrated. The longest shoots of plants were recorded after the application of slow-release fertilizer (SRF) - Hortiform pH, and the shortest ones were grown after the application of fertigation. There was higher frequency of ERM on the roots of plants fertilized with slow-release fertilizer (SRF) than those fertilized with the use of fertigation and individual mineral fertilizers. The mycorrhizal frequency (ERM) on inoculated rhododendron’s roots ranged from 36% to 65%, while without inoculation it fell down to 4% to 9%. It was found that the slow-release fertilizers (SRF) applied satisifed the nutritional requirements of rhododendron for macronutrients, except phosphorus, while fertigation requires further improvement in terms of the nutrient composition.

Michałojć Z., Koter M., Dzida K., Jarosz Z., Pitura K., Jamiołkowska A., Księżniak A. 2019. Influence of fertilization and mycorrhiza on growth and development of rhododendron (Rhododendron hybridum) in a nursery. J. Elem., 24(4): 1349 - 1361. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2019.24.1.1798
rhododendron, ericoid mycorrhizae, Slow Release Fertilizer, nursery crop
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