Pollution and environment
Fertilizer value of composts obtained with addition of coffee grounds and maize
Autorzy: M. Kopeć, J. Antonkiewicz, B. Kulig -
Factors affecting changes in water level and quality in a rural farmstead well
Autorzy: S. Szymczyk
Microplastics and endocrine-disrupting chemicals released from disposable hot beverage cups and tea bags and their evaluation in terms of human health safety
Autorzy: N. Tan Tabakoglu, K. Sezer, S. Celik -
Development of a new insulation material from hazelnut shells (Hazelnut shell insulation board - HSIB)
Autorzy: M. Ozocak, C. Sisman -
Assessment of cadmium concentration levels in wild bats in Poland by guano samples analysis
Autorzy: S. Gonkowski, L. Könyves, B. Berlinger, L. Rytel -
Lead content in hair of students in France, Poland and Belarus
Autorzy: J. Karczewski, Z. Karczewska, A. Szpakow
Relations between labile and stable pool of soil organic carbon in peatlands
Autorzy: B. Kalisz, A. Łachacz
Properties of anthropogenic soils of the Old Town and newer parts of Szczecin (Poland), and the possibility of planting trees in these locations
Autorzy: J. Chudecka, T. Tomaszewicz, M. Podlasiński -
Multivariate statistical assessment of heavy metal contamination in muscle of Silurus glanis L., 1758 Kılıçkaya Reservoir in Turkey
Autorzy: S. Dirican -
Effect of struvite (Crystal Green) application on microbial activity and soybean yield - a preliminary study
Autorzy: R. Ramut, A. Jama-Rodzeńska, E. Gębarowska, B. Gałka, A. Szuba-Trznadel, M. Wiliusz -Nogueira, D. Jarki, J. Kamińska, M. Białkowska -
Radiation safety of calcium and magnesium diet supplements
Autorzy: D. Strumińska-Parulska, A. Moniakowska, K. Block -
Impact of simulated acid rains on leakage of mineral elements from foliage of conifers and monocotyledons – adaptability matters
Autorzy: J. Diatta, M. Wróbel, D. Gawroński, J. Niemann, K. Przygocka-Cyna, M. Bombrys, M. Nili, N. Youssef -
Freshwater biodiversity crisis: macroinvertebrates response to receiving a wastewater treatment plant effluent along a downstream gradient
Autorzy: R. Kędzior, E. Dacewicz, K. Chmielowski, A. Ziernicka-Wojtaszek -
Effects of replacing mineral fertilizers with sewage sludge and biogas digestate on ethanol production of Miscanthus sacchariflorus
Autorzy: B. Dubis, T. Pokój, M. Lewandowska, B. Bogucka, A. Zajkowska, A. Szatkowski -
Accumulation of heavy metals in soil and Chelidonium majus L. in the urban environment
Autorzy: O. Rahmonov, D. Środek, S. Pytel, T. Kupka, N. Makieieva -
Use of calcium carbonate (limestone) to dehydrate orange peel and its incorporation into sheep and goat diets
Autorzy: D. Paredes Diaz, J. Ramirez-Bribiesca, M. Montano, J. Ponce Covarrubias, A. Gómez Vázquez, R. Lira-Casas -
Urban areas as emitters of potentially toxic elements to urban and suburban forest ecosystems in Poland: a review
Autorzy: M. Jastrzębska, M.K. Kostrzewska -
Characterization and investigation of natural clay performance for Methylene Blue removal: results of isotherm, kinetic and thermodynamic studies
Autorzy: N. Aybar, A. Kul -
Spectroscopic properties of water soluble organic matter in artificial soil formed at a power plant from slag-ash deposits
Autorzy: L. Mielnik, J. Chudecka, T. Tomaszewicz, E. Tomaszewicz, M. Podlasiński, E. Hewelke -
Content of components in some grass species irrigated with purified sewageAutorzy: R. Baryła, J. Sawicka, M. Kulik, H. Lipińska
Content of magnesium and other fertilizer compounds in stabilized and dewatered sewage sludge from the municipal sewage treatment plant in ReczAutorzy: E. Dusza, Z. Zabłocki, B. Mieszczerykowska-Wójcikowska
Assessment of chemical composition and sanitary state of sand in selected sandboxes in KrakowAutorzy: C. Jasiewicz, J. Antonkiewicz, A. Baran
An attempt at evaluating the influence of water quality on the qualitative and quantitative structure of epiphytic fauna dwelling on Stratiotes aloides L., a case study on an oxbow lake of the Łyna riverAutorzy: K. Obolewski, S. Kobus , K. Glińska-Lewczuk
Metals in chosen aquatic plants in a lowland dam reservoirAutorzy: M. Senze, P. Pokorny, M. Kowalska-Góralska
Desorption of phosphate(V) ions from brown soilAutorzy: J. Bartoszewicz, E. Karp
Fungi colonizing soil fertilized with composted sewage sludge and municipal wasteAutorzy: B. Cwalina-Ambroziak, T. Bowszys, J. Wierzbowska
Influence of anthropopression on concentration of biogenic compounds in water of small ponds in farmlandAutorzy: M. Gałczyńska, M. Kot
Comparison of the effect of liming and magnesium treatment of heavy metal contaminated soil on the content of magnesium, calcium and iron in broad beans (Vcia faba L. ssp. Maior)Autorzy: J. Gospodarek, A. Nadgórska-Socha
Water chemistry of lake Giłwa
Autorzy: R. Tandyrak
The effect of soil contamination with diesel oil and petrol on the nitrification processAutorzy: J. Kucharski, M. Tomkiel, E. Boros, J. Wyszkowska
Speciation analysis of phosphorus in bottom sediments – comparison of two methodsAutorzy: M. Senze, H. Siwek
Activity of β-glucosidase, arylsulfatase and phosphatases in soil contaminated with copperAutorzy: J. Wyszkowska, J. Kucharski, M. Kucharski
Impact of water pollution on accumulation of magnesium and calcium by Stratiotes aloides L.Autorzy: M. Gałczyńska, K. Żakowiak, K. Bednarz
Applicability of different kinds of yeast biomass to lead removal from waterAutorzy: A. Duda-Chodak, T. Tarko, K. Milotta
Influence of water contamination on the accumulation of some metals in Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L.Autorzy: M. Gałczyńska, K. Bednarz
Phytotoxicity and speciation of copper and nickel in composted sewage sludgeAutorzy: M. Jakubus
Influence of the Głogów copper works on the content of mobile forms of copper and zinc in arable soils
Autorzy: H. Jaworska, H. Dąbkowska-Naskręt
Effect of traffic pollution on chemical composition of raw elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.)Autorzy: B. Kołodziej, J. Antonkiewicz, N. Maksymiec, K. Drożdżal
Changes in the content of organic carbon and available forms of macronutrients in soil under the influence of soil contamination with fuel oil and application of different substancesAutorzy: M. Wyszkowski, V. Sivitskaya
Sulphur in the Polish fertilization diagnosticsAutorzy: M. Skwierawska, S. Krzebietke, E. Mackiewicz-Walec, Z. Benedycka, K. Jankowski
Copper and other trace elements in sediments of lakes near Konin (Poland)Autorzy: I. Bojakowska, J. Krasuska
Lead and cadmium content in some grasses along expressway areasAutorzy: K. Jankowski, K. Jankowski, J. Deska, J. Jankowska, G. Ciepiela, J. Sosnowski, B. Wiśniewska-Kadźajan, R. Kolczarek
Changes in the content of some micronutrients in soil contaminated with heating oil after the application of different substancesAutorzy: M. Wyszkowski, V. Sivitskaya
Physicochemical properties of surface soil layer after the flood in the middle Vistula River valleyAutorzy: W. Bednarek, S. Dresler, P. Tkaczyk, A. Hanaka
Coexistence of Aphis fabae Scop. predators on broad bean growing on soil pollution with heavy metalsAutorzy: J. Gospodarek, A. Kafel
Content of selected trace elements and exchangeable cations in soils of the Barycz River ValleyAutorzy: B. Łabaz, A. Bogacz
The profile distribution of zinc in arable alluvial soils with naturally elevated content of calcium carbonateAutorzy: A. Bartkowiak, J. Długosz, R. Zamorski
Distribution of carbon and nitrogen forms in Histosols of headwater areas – a case study from the valley of the Kamienna Creek (northern Poland)
Autorzy: A. Parzych, Z. Sobisz -
The total content of nitrogen in leaves and wood of trees growing in the area affected by the Głogów Copper SmelterAutorzy: J. Kostecki, M. Drab, M. Szafraniec, G. Stodulski, M. Wypych, A. Greinert, R. Wasylewicz
Do water filters improve the quality of potable water?Autorzy: E. Królak, J. Raczuk, E. Biardzka
Response of planktonic cyanobacteria and periphyton assemblages to physicochemical properties of stormwater in a shallow urban lakeAutorzy: E. Zębek
Phytoindicative evaluation of habitat conditions of soilless formations reclaimed with flotation sludge, sewage sludge and used mineral wool under the influence of the Jeziórko Sulphur MineAutorzy: A. Wójcikowska-Kapusta, S. Baran, D. Urban, M. Bik-Małodzińska, G. Żukowska, S. Wesołowska-Dobruk, Z. Kwiatkowski
Investigation on the distribution of mercury in tissues and organs of wild birds obtained from the area covered by Greater WarsawAutorzy: Ł. Rejt, H. Żarska, M. Jarmuł
Accumulation of zinc in water, sediments and bleak fish (Alburnus alburnus L.) in the ecosystem of the Dunajec RiverAutorzy: M. Niemiec
Content of magnesium and heavy metals in selected natural fertilisersAutorzy: B. Kuziemska, W. Wieremiej, D. Jaremko
Content of some nutrients in Scots pine, silver birch and Norway maple in an urbanized environmentAutorzy: M. Wyszkowski, B. Modrzewska, M. Kosiorek
Long-term cyanobacterial dynamics as related to physicochemical water parameters in a restored urban lakeAutorzy: E. Zębek
Phytoplankton and the physicochemical background in an assessment of the ecological and trophic conditions in vendace-type lakesAutorzy: A. Napiórkowska-Krzebietke, E. Zębek, K. Stawecki, J. Pyka, B. Zdanowski
Content of selected heavy metals in soil and in Virginia mallow (Sida hermaphrodita) fertilised with sewage sludgeAutorzy: J. Wierzbowska, S. Sienkiewicz, S. Krzebietke, P. Sternik
The influence of street conditions on sea buckthorn fruit quality and content of micro- and macronutrients in berries and in soilAutorzy: I. Ochmian, K. Mijowska, M. Nowakowska
Ecological factors helping to avoid the toxic element accumulation in livers of the lesser spotted eagle (Clanga pomarina Brehm) from Eastern PolandAutorzy: A. Komosa, I. Kitowski, A. Sujak, D. Wiącek
Impact of hydrometeorological conditions on the chemical composition of water in closed-basin kettle ponds: A comparative study of two postglacial areasAutorzy: R. Cieśliński, M. Major
Iodine content in running surface waters in areas with more intensive landscape management in the Czech RepublicAutorzy: J. Trávníček, R. Konečný, M. Šeda, J. Švehla, K. Fiala, J. Hladký
Total protein and macroelement content in selected psammophilous grassland species under free-range sheep grazing in Kózki Nature ReserveAutorzy: M. Kulik, M. Oleszek, A. Lipiec, M. Warda, T. Gruszecki, W. Bojar, A. Król
Modifications in the trophic state of an urban lake, restored by different methodsAutorzy: R. Tandyrak, R. Brzozowska, J. Grochowska, K. Parszuto
Prediction of cadmium, lead and mercury availability to plants: comparison between diffusive gradient in thin films technique measurement and soil grown plantsAutorzy: A. Ridošková, H. Dočekalová, P. Pelcová
Exogenous quercetin as a proliferation stimulator in tobacco BY-2 cellsAutorzy: A. Kobylińska
Recovery and leachability of antimony from mine- and shooting range soilsAutorzy: A. Karczewska, B. Gałka, M. Siepak, K. Lewińska, M. Stysz, C. Kaźmierowski
Study on the content of heavy metals in plants which occupy active ash settling ponds of the Dolna Odra Power PlantAutorzy: R. Gamrat, G. Wysocka, T. Tomaszewicz, G. Hury
Phytoextraction of copper and nickel from soils characterized by different degrees of chloride salinityAutorzy: B. Wiłkomirski, S. Rogacheva, T. Gubina, E. Pisarenko, A. Zhutov, N. Shilova
Effect of shelterwood cuttings on soil chemical properties in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests in Europe's hemiboreal zone, in LithuaniaAutorzy: V. Marozas, J. Sasnauskienė, A. Dautartė, A. Gavenauskas, N. Sabienė, K. Armolaitis
Antioxidant response of bamboo (Indocalamus latifolius) as affected by heavy metal stressAutorzy: A. Emamverdian, Y. Ding, F. Mokhberdoran, Y. Xie
Bioaccumulation of macro- and micronutrients in herbaceous plants of headwater areas – a case study from northern PolandAutorzy: J. Jonczak, A. Parzych, Z. Sobisz
Toxicity of antimony, gallium, and indium toward a teleost model and a native fish species of semiconductor manufacturing districts of TaiwanAutorzy: J. Yang, L. Chen
Effect of nicotinamide in alleviating stress caused by lead in spring barley seedlingAutorzy: B. Smolik, M. Sędzik, M. Krupa-Małkiewicz
Regression modelling of air quality based on meteorological parameters and satellite dataAutorzy: H. Goharnejad, A. Asadi, M. Zakeri Niri
Estimation of heavy metal concentrations in organisms of the Baikalian amphipod Gmelinoides fasciatus Stebbing (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in Petrozavodsk Bay, Lake OnegoAutorzy: Z. Slukovskii, A. Sidorova, N. Kalinkina
The fertilizer value of post-harvest residues of Trigonella foenum-graecum L.
Autorzy: J. Wierzbowska, K. Żuk-Gołaszewska
Concentration of Rare Earth Elements in surface water and bottom sediments in Lake Wadąg, PolandAutorzy: M. Siepak, K. Pietrewicz, M. Sojka
Content of selected macro- and microelements in surface water of in-field ponds and in groundwater from adjacent agricultural areasAutorzy: P. Wesołowski, A. Brysiewicz, M. Bonisławska
Nickel content in grain of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivated on loessial soil, depending on liming and mineral fertilization
Autorzy: J. Kaniuczak, E. Hajduk, S. Właśniewski, M. Nazarkiewicz, M. Marchel -
Long-range transport of heavy metals as a factor of the formation of the geochemistry of sediments in the southwest of the Republic of Karelia, RussiaAutorzy: Z. Slukovskii, M. Medvedev, E. Siroezhko
Novel methods of nitrate and nitrite determination - A reviewAutorzy: E. Wierzbicka
Synthesis and use of TiO2@rGo nanocomposites in photocatalytic removal of chromium and lead ions from wastewaterAutorzy: M. Ali, K. Al-Qahtani, A. Al-Afify
Evaluation of the bioaccumulation of metals in submerged plants of the Verdon River and Lake Sainte-Croix (France) – preliminary research
Autorzy: M. Senze, M. Kowalska-Góralska -
Content of selected elements and exchangeable cations in soils formed from glacio-lacustrine sedimentsAutorzy: P. Sowiński, M. Orzechowski, S. Smólczyński, B. Kalisz
Physical and chemical properties of ash from thermal power station combusting lignite. A case study from central PolandAutorzy: M. Kozłowski, M. Gilewska, K. Otremba
Assessment of accumulation of fluorine compounds in selected tissues of laying hens depending on the distance from sources of pollutant emissions in Central Pomerania, PolandAutorzy: E. Bombik, A. Bombik
Effects of urban sewage sludge on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seedling emergence rate and developmentAutorzy: M. Çirka, T. Başdinç
Environmental and occupational exposure to asbestos as an ongoing challenge for environmental and health educationAutorzy: A. Walosik, I. Żeber-Dzikowska, M. Dziechciaż, M. Czarny-Działak, R. Grudzień, M. Wojciechowska, M. Gietka
Microplastic in the environment. The role of education in raising social awareness of the handling of plastic wasteAutorzy: I. Żeber-Dzikowska, M. Dziechciaż, J. Łuszczki, J. Chmielewski, B. Gworek, M. Czarny-Działak, M. Wojciechowska
Importance of water, its quality and proper management as a challenge in environmental educationAutorzy: I. Żeber-Dzikowska, J. Łuszczki, B. Gworek, I. Wróblewska, M. Gietka, J. Bąk-Badowska
Determination of some trace elements and heavy metal levels (Cu, Mn, Mg, Fe, Zn, Co, Pb, and Cd) in blood serum of patients with lip and oral cavity cancersAutorzy: D. Çay Demir, H. Demir, N. Bozan, Ş. Belli, C. Demir
Foliar application of nutrient for augmentation of rhizospheric heavy metal stress – growth and productivity of canola (Brassica napus L.) measured with indicesAutorzy: G. Yasin, A. Ahmad, S. Saima, F. Akmal, M. Parveen, E. Ali, M. Arif
Ecological risk assessment based on the TRIAD approach in an area contaminated by the metallurgical and mining industriesAutorzy: W. Dmuchowski, J. Chmielewski, B. Gworek, A. Baczewska-Dąbrowska, R. Kalinowski, B. Górska, H. Rekosz-Burlaga, I. Olejniczak
Biological aspects of cadmium and lead uptake by Phragmites australis (cav. Trin ex steudel) in natural water ecosystemsAutorzy: M. Kozłowska, A. Jóźwiak, B. Szpakowska, P. Goliński
Effect of compost, bentonite and calcium oxide on content of some macroelements in plants from soil contaminated by petrol and diesel oilAutorzy: M. Wyszkowski, A. Ziółkowska
Effect of bottom sediment on content, bioaccumulation and translocation of heavy metals in maize biomassAutorzy: C. Jasiewicz, A. Baran, M. Tarnawski
Application of geochemical indices (S : Al; Mg : Al) and partition coefficient (Kd) for evaluating response of crops to aluminum toxicityAutorzy: A. Skubiszewska, J. Diatta
Phytoplankton metrics response to the increasing phosphorus and nitrogen gradient in shallow lakesAutorzy: A. Napiórkowska-Krzebietke, A. Pasztaleniec, A. Hutorowicz
Atmospheric radon concentration around a phosphogypsum stack at Wislinka (Northern Poland)Autorzy: D. Tchorz-Trzeciakiewicz, D. Tchorz-Trzeciakiewicz, A. Solecki
Concentration and pools of trace elements in organic soils in the Izera MountainsAutorzy: B. Glina, A. Bogacz
Variability of zinc content in soils in a postglacial river valley - a geochemical landscape approachAutorzy: K. Glińska-Lewczuk, P. Sowiński, A. Bieniek, K. Obolewski, K. Glińska-Lewczuk, C. Timofte, P. Burandt
Field-scale spatial autocorrelation of some sodium and potassium forms in a Luvisol humic horizonAutorzy: J. Długosz, M. Kobierski, A. Piotrowska-Długosz, D. Gozdowski
Chemical and biological properties of composts produced from organic wasteAutorzy: K. Gondek, M. Kopeć, M. Tabak, M. Mierzwa, M. Chmiel
Nickel in the environment
Autorzy: T. Filipek, P. Harasim
Heavy metals in the unsaturated and saturated zone of the Upper Jurassic carbonate massif in the vicinity of KrakówAutorzy: O. Rahmonov, J. Różkowski, K. Różkowski
Variations in the zinc and lead content in surface layers of urban soils in Kielce (Poland) with regard to land useAutorzy: E. Smorzewska, A. Świercz
Soil pollution with heavy metals in industrial and agricultural areas: a case study of Olkusz DistrictAutorzy: P. Miśkowiec, A. Łaptaś, K. Zięba
Distribution of elements in soil catenas developed in ice-dammed lake and in morainic landscapes in NE PolandAutorzy: M. Orzechowski, S. Smólczyński, B. Kalisz
The physicochemical background for the development of potentially harmful cyanobacterium Gloeotrichia echinulata J. S. Smith ex RichtAutorzy: A. Napiórkowska-Krzebietke, A. Hutorowicz
Yields of grain and straw, their content and ionic proportions of macroelements in maize fertilized with ash from municipal sewage sludge combustionAutorzy: A. Iżewska, C. Wołoszyk
Transport of biogenic substances in watercourses of Coastal Landscape Park
Autorzy: Z. Krajewska, J. Fac-Beneda -
Quality of groundwater in rural homesteads and agricultural land in the catchment of Lake MiedwieAutorzy: P. Wesołowski, A. Brysiewicz, A. Marciniak, P. Burczyk
Possible use of halloysite in phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metalsAutorzy: E. Smorzewska, A. Świercz, P. Słomkiewicz, G. Suchanek
Impact of slope gradient, tillage system, and plant cover on soil losses of calcium and magnesiumAutorzy: M. Niemiec, K. Klima, M. Chowaniak
Does inflow of water river shape the nutrient content of lake sediments?Autorzy: S. Szymczyk, A. Potasznik
Lead in game bird meat as a risk to public health: new aspects in the light of physical phenomena generated by a projectileAutorzy: J. Szarek, M. Felsmann, D. Gulda, M. Felsmann
Deliberations on zinc - a trace mineral or a toxic element?
Autorzy: J. Wyszkowska, M. Zaborowska, R. Strachel
How copper excess influences homeostasis of the bank vole (Myodes glareolus)Autorzy: A. Miska-Schramm, M. Zakrzewska, J. Hajduk, M. Kruczek
Effect of thermal conversion of municipal sewage sludge on the content of Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn and phytotoxicity of biocharsAutorzy: K. Gondek, M. Mierzwa-Hersztek
Evaluation of the content of phenolic acids and their antioxidant activity in winter cereal seedsAutorzy: A. Gałązka, K. Gawryjołek, J. Żychowski
Variability and temporal structure of concentrations of carbon monoxide in Poznań (central-western Poland)
Autorzy: R. Kalbarczyk, E. Kalbarczyk -
Some micro- and trace elements in selected bottled natural waters from the Polish market evaluated by electrochemical methods
Autorzy: M. Szlósarczyk, W. Opoka, A. Maślanka, J. Rojowski, K. Stopa, I. Borkowska, B. Muszyńska, M. Tyszka-Czochara -
Groundwater chemistry and hydrogeochemical processes in a soil catena of the Poznań Lakeland, central PolandAutorzy: J. Komisarek, M. Kozłowski
Application of Effective Microorganisms Technology as a lake restoration tool - A case study of Muchawka ReservoirAutorzy: A. Napiórkowska-Krzebietke, K. Stawecki, J. Pyka, M. Sitarek, R. Mazur, B. Czarnecki, M. Olech, S. Sołtysiak, A. Kapusta
Changes in the microbiological and biochemical properties of soil contaminated with zincAutorzy: J. Kucharski, M. Tomkiel, J. Wyszkowska, M. Baćmaga, A. Borowik, E. Boros-Lajszner
As and Pb and their potential source in the hair of residents of Cracow
Autorzy: A. Kicińska, A. Jelonek-Waliszewska -
Removal of As3+ cations from water by activated carbon, bentonite and zeolite in a batch system at different pH
Autorzy: B. Todorovic, S. Stojiljković, D. Stojiljković, S. Petrović, L. Takić, M. Stojiljković -
Seasonal carbon exchange in organic and conventional ley and winter wheat agroecosystems in central LithuaniaAutorzy: L. Baležentienė, O. Mikša
Toxic metals (Cd, Pb) in flatfish, mollusc Macoma balthica, water and sediments from the southern Baltic SeaAutorzy: L. Polak-Juszczak
Response of oat (Avena sativa) to the addition cadmium to soil inoculation with the genus Trichoderma fungiAutorzy: J. Kaniuczak, E. Hajduk, S. Właśniewski, M. Marchel
Content and distribution of iron forms in soils formed from glaciolimnic sediments, in NE PolandAutorzy: M. Kobierski, M. Orzechowski, S. Smólczyński, J. Długosz, B. Kalisz
Effect of the Karlino oil field operations (Zachodniopomorskie Province) on metal bioaccumulation in aquatic plants in rivers within the Baltic drainage areaAutorzy: M. Senze, M. Kowalska-Góralska, W. Kruszyński
Evaluation of the chemical composition of raw common duckweed (Lemna minor L.) and pulp after methane fermentationAutorzy: M. Niemiec, A. Szeląg-Sikora, J. Sikora
Effect of infusion time and addition of lemon juice on the mobility of selected macroelements and aluminium during aqueous extraction of quality brands of leaf teaAutorzy: G. Zaguła, C. Puchalski, B. Saletnik, M. Bajcar, M. Czernicka, D. Grabek-Lejko, I. Kasprzyk
Hair manganese levels in dogs from Warsaw in relation to breed, sex, age and body weightAutorzy: E. Skibniewska, M. Skibniewski, T. Kośla, M. Kołnierzak
Seasonal changes of arylsulphatase activity and sulphate content in anthropogenic soilAutorzy: A. Siwik-Ziomek, J. Koper
Nitrogen and sulphur fertilisation affecting soybean seed spermidine content
Autorzy: J. Antonkiewicz, T. Lošák, M. Ševčík, R. Plchova, E. Álvarez, J. Elbl, F. Buňka, Z. Polášek, J. Vollmann, J. Hlušek, L. Varga -
Comparison of nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation in plants associated with streams and peatbogs in mid-forest headwater ecosystemsAutorzy: J. Jonczak, A. Parzych
Remediation of soil contaminated with diesel oil
Autorzy: J. Wyszkowska, A. Borowik
Organotropism of organic and inorganic mercury in fish from the Vistula Lagoon, PolandAutorzy: L. Polak-Juszczak, A. Góra
Sulfur dioxide concentrations within the city of Poznań (mid-west Poland) from 2005 to 2016 – the temporal structure and dependence on meteorological conditionsAutorzy: R. Kalbarczyk, E. Kalbarczyk, M. Ziemiańska
An MIP-AES study of heavy metals in Egyptian honey: Toxicity assessment and potential health hazards to consumersAutorzy: K. Kasiotis, F. Malhat, A. Hassanin, S. Shokr
Effect of a phytogenic additive in mixtures for fatteners on the rearing results and the concentration of ammonia in a piggeryAutorzy: A. Szuba-Trznadel, T. Hikawczuk, W. Grala, B. Fuchs
Effect of rainbow trout production in a two-stage cascade system on water qualityAutorzy: M. Sidoruk
Chemical changes in spores of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium robertsii after exposure to heavy metals, studied through the use of FTIR spectroscopyAutorzy: Ł. Łopusiewicz, K. Mazurkiewicz-Zapalowicz, C. Tkaczuk
Evaluation of the chemical composition of soil as well as vine leaves and berries from the selected commercial farms in the republic of TajikistanAutorzy: M. Niemiec, M. Chowaniak, M. Komorowska, D. Zuzek, G. Saidali Mamurovich, K. Kodirov Gafurovich, N. Usmanov, D. Kamilova, J. Rahmonova, N. Rashidov
Effect of salinity on the mobility of trace metals in soils near a soda chemical factoryAutorzy: A. Bartkowiak, H. Jaworska, H. Dąbkowska-Naskręt, M. Rydlewska
Impact of trout breeding in a cascade water flow technology on water quality
Autorzy: S. Kobus , I. Cymes, M. Sidoruk
Impact of short-term exposure to lead and cadmium of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) seedlings grown in hydroponic cultureAutorzy: M. Horbowicz, J. Mitrus
Assessment of the content of trace elements in soils and roadside vegetation in the vicinity of some gasoline stations in Olsztyn (Poland)Autorzy: A. Żołnowski, E. Rolka, K. Kozłowska
Mineral composition of tree nuts and seeds
Autorzy: K. Łoźna, M. Styczyńska, J. Biernat, J. Hyla, M. Bienkiewicz, D. Figurska-Ciura, M. Bronkowska
Latent coagulation of suspended solids containing P-PO4 – computer simulation
Autorzy: R. Wardzyńska, B. Załęska-Chróst
Environmental impacts of diets containing different levels of crude protein and limiting amino acids fed to pigs in a phase feeding system
Autorzy: W. Sobotka, A. Drażbo -
Agronomic evaluation of dried sewage sludge and sewage sludge ash as sources of nutrients for maizeAutorzy: J. Wierzbowska, A. Stępień, M. Zalewska
Trace elements in ferruginous Marcial waters (Russia): chemical stability and mineral assaysAutorzy: S. Svetov, E. Svetova
Dioxin-like compounds (DLCs) in the environment and their impact on human healthAutorzy: A. Walosik, I. Żeber-Dzikowska, J. Szajner, M. Dziechciaż, N. Pawlas, M. Czarny-Działak
Distribution of mercury in the liver and gills of the scorpion fish (Scorpaena porcus Linnaeus, 1758) from the Sevastopol baysAutorzy: M. Niemiec, N. Kuzminova, A. Stetsiuk
Effects of different potassium doses on growth rates and micronutrients of drought-sensitive beansAutorzy: T. Kabay
Mitigation of negative impacts of cadmium stress on physiological parameters of curly lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. Crispa) by proline treatmentsAutorzy: Ö. Üzal, S. Altas
Effects of lead doses on mineral content and antioxidant capacity of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)Autorzy: M. Tuncturk, R. Tuncturk, E. Oral, L. Nohutcu
Big data research on agricultural soil contamination by zeolite application
Autorzy: A. Jachimowicz, H. Zhang, A. Li, Y. Chen, S. Liu
Concentration of heavy metals in urban allotment soils and their uptake by selected vegetable crop species - a case study from Gorzów Wielkopolski, PolandAutorzy: M. Bosiacki, T. Spiżewski, L. Bednorz
Solubility, density, conductivity, and phase equilibrium of NaBr - Ba(H2PO2)2 - H2O ternary system at 298 K
Autorzy: H. Erge -
Effect of adding propolis extract to sorghum grain varieties on in vitro gas parametersAutorzy: L. Coskuntuna, K. Erten, H. Samli
Provisional assessment of forage quality in common vetch using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopyAutorzy: C. Oluk, İ. İnal, U. Serbester
The role of storage reservoirs in reducing calcium migration from agricultural catchmentsAutorzy: J. Koc, M. Duda
Distribution of nickel fractions in forest Luvisols in the South Podlasie LowlandAutorzy: K. Pakuła, D. Kalembasa
Activity of dehydrogenases, catalase and urease in copper polluted soilAutorzy: J. Wyszkowska, J. Kucharski, M. Kucharski, A. Borowik
Effect of foliar application of anthracene and pyrene (PAH) on yields and chemical composition of butterhead lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) grown under varied abundance of substrate in nutrientsAutorzy: S. Krzebietke, S. Sienkiewicz
Effect of soil contamination with arsenic and application of different substances on the manganese content in plantsAutorzy: T. Najmowicz, M. Wyszkowski, Z. Ciećko
Content of organic C and pH of bog and post-bog soils versus the presence of ground beetles Carabidae in Stary dwór near OlsztynAutorzy: M. Nietupski, P. Sowiński, W. Sądej, A. Kosewska
Sorption complex of selected soils of the Drawskie LakelandAutorzy: M. Kobierski, A. Bartkowiak
Na, K, Ca and Mg concentrations in effluent water drained from agricultural catchment basins in Lower SilesiaAutorzy: R. Pokładek, T. Kowalczyk, W. Orzepowski, K. Pulikowski
Hair zinc levels in pet and feral cats (Felis catus)Autorzy: E. Skibniewska, M. Skibniewski, T. Koźla, G. Urbańska-Słomka
Heavy metal pollution of forest soils affected by the copper industryAutorzy: A. Medyńska-Juraszek, C. Kabała
Effects of sulphide oxidation on selected soil propertiesAutorzy: E. Urbańska, P. Hulisz, R. Bednarek
Revegetation of reclaimed soda waste dumps: effects of topsoil parametersAutorzy: E. Zając, J. Zarzycki
Evaluation of lichens as bio-indicators of metal pollutionAutorzy: S. Ercisli, M. Turan, A. Cicek, K. Yazici, H. Gurbuz, A. Aslan
Manganese mobility in soils under the impact of alkaline dust emissionAutorzy: H. Dąbkowska-Naskręt, H. Jaworska
Accumulation of copper in selected elements of a food chain in a pond ecosystem
Autorzy: M. Niemiec, B. Wiśniowska-Kielian -
Boron concentrations in groundwater intended for consumption from intakes located in Northern Poland
Autorzy: S. Szymczyk, J. Koc, M. Wons -
Lead concentration and the content of selected macroelements in lake sediments in PolandAutorzy: I. Bojakowska, J. Retka, J. Krasuska, B. Wiłkomirski
Contents of Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb and Fe in rainwater effluents discharged to surface waters in the city of PoznańAutorzy: D. Świerk, B. Szpakowska, D. Barałkiewicz, R. Gołdyn
Changes in sulphur dioxide concentrations in the atmospheric air assessed during short-term measurements in the vicinity of Olsztyn, PolandAutorzy: E. Mackiewicz-Walec, S. Krzebietke, L. Lenart, L. Rogalski, L. Smoczyński
Impact of lignite mine waters from deep seated drainage on water quality of the Noteć River
Autorzy: R. Staniszewski, J. Diatta, B. Andrzejewska -
Content of total zinc and its fractions in selected soils in the Province of PodlasieAutorzy: J. Wiater, A. Łukowski
Effect of soil contamination with fluorine on the content of phosphorus in biomass of crops
Autorzy: Z. Ciećko, R. Szostek -
Environmental Status of the Arctic SoilsAutorzy: M. Nikitina, L. Popova, J. Korobicina, O. Efremova, A. Trofimova, E. Nakvasina, A. Volkov
Factors affecting background gamma radiation in an urban spaceAutorzy: K. Nowak, A. Solecki
Magnesium and calcium concentrations in the surface water and bottom deposits of a river-lake systemAutorzy: S. Szymczyk, A. Potasznik
Epiphytic lichens as bioindicators of air pollution by heavy metals in an urban area (northern Poland)Autorzy: A. Parzych, A. Zduńczyk, A. Astel
Bioaccumulation of Na, Mg, Ca, K, and P in fish larvae of the genus Atherina L. collected in three bays in the region of SevastopolAutorzy: M. Niemiec, M. Chowaniak, N. Kuzminova
Nitrate nitrogen and phosphate concentrations in drainflow: An example of clay soilAutorzy: D. Szejba, E. Papierowska, I. Cymes, A. Bańkowska
Effect of sex on the content of elements in meat from wild boars (Sus scrofa L.) originating from the Province of Podkarpacie (south-eastern Poland)Autorzy: M. Stanek, B. Janicki, M. Buzała, A. Roślewska, D. Cygan-Szczegielniak, K. Stasiak
Assessment of the content of magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium in water and algae from the Black Sea in selected bays near SevastopolAutorzy: M. Niemiec, A. Szeląg-Sikora, J. Sikora
Sulphur and phosphorus content as well as the activity of hydrolases in soil fertilised with macroelementsAutorzy: A. Siwik-Ziomek, J. Koper, J. Lemanowicz
Biometeorological determinants of the tropospheric ozone concentration in the suburban conditions of Wroclaw, PolandAutorzy: R. Kalbarczyk, R. Sobolewski, E. Kalbarczyk
Biosorption of some toxic metals from aqueous solution using non-living algal cells of Chlorella vulgarisAutorzy: A. Napiórkowska-Krzebietke, A. Hussian, A. Abd El-Monem, M. Goher, A. Abdel-Satar, M. Ali
Distribution and potential risk assessment of heavy metals and arsenic in sediments of a dam reservoir: A case study of the Łoje Retention Reservoir, NE PolandAutorzy: S. Szymczyk, K. Glińska-Lewczuk, A. Potasznik, I. Cymes, M. Sidoruk
Labile organic carbon fractions after amendment of sandy soil with municipal sewage sludge and compostAutorzy: A. Łachacz, K. Grabowski, B. Kalisz, R. Głażewski
Reconstruction of paleohydrogeological conditions in the late Holocene based on the study of calcareous tufa in the spring mire of the Wolbórka River drainage basin (central Poland)
Autorzy: J. Małecki, T. Gruszczyński, M. Ziułkiewicz -
Levels of toxic and essential metals in varietal honeys from PodkarpacieAutorzy: M. Dżugan, G. Zaguła, M. Wesołowska, P. Sowa, C. Puchalski
Microbiome of soil contaminated with zincAutorzy: J. Wyszkowska, M. Baćmaga, R. Strachel
Accumulation of chromium, aluminum, barium and arsenic in selected elements of a forest ecosystem in the Przedbabiogórskie Mountain Range in the Western CarpathiansAutorzy: M. Niemiec, M. Chowaniak, Ł. Paluch
Phytoplankton as a basic nutritional source in diets of fish
Autorzy: A. Napiórkowska-Krzebietke
Content of Ba, B, Sr and As in water and fish larvae of the genus Atherinidae L. sampled in three bays in the Sevastopol coastal areaAutorzy: M. Niemiec, N. Kuzminova, A. Szeląg-Sikora, J. Sikora, M. Komorowska
Assessment of lead and chromium pollution in the ecosystem of the Dunajec River based on bioindicative methodsAutorzy: M. Niemiec, A. Szeląg-Sikora, J. Sikora, M. Komorowska, M. Cupiał
Fluoride content in the hair in dependence of the place of residence, sex, dietary habits and anthropometric dataAutorzy: I. Baranowska-Bosiacka, D. Chlubek, I. Gutowska, K. Jakubczyk, A. Łukomska, E. Stachowska, E. Rębacz-Maron, D. Maciejewska, K. Ryterska, M. Czerwińska, M. Banaszczak, S. Budrewicz, M. Skowronek, A. Stachowski, K. Dec
Changes in the functional diversity of bacterial communities in soil contaminated with diesel oilAutorzy: J. Wyszkowska, A. Borowik, K. Oszust
Accumulation, distribution and redistribution of 109Cd and 65Zn in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants on nutrient media with elevated zinc or cadmiumAutorzy: J. Tuma, J. Simek, U. Feller
Active monitoring of airborne elements in Isparta Province (Turkey) with the epiphytic lichen Physcia aipolia (Erh. ex Humb.) Fürnr.Autorzy: M. Yavuz, G. Cobanoglu
FT-IR analysis and the content of phenolic compounds in exogenous organic matter produced from plant biomassAutorzy: K. Gondek, M. Mierzwa-Hersztek, A. Nawrocka, H. Pińkowska, T. Bajda, J. Stanek-Tarkowska, M. Szostek
Accumulation of heavy metals in forest dwarf shrubs and dominant mosses as bioindicators of atmospheric pollutionAutorzy: V. Paulauskas, V. Marozas, A. Kasiuliene, S. Waara
Research on the uptake and use of trace elements from municipal sewage sludge by multiflora rose and Virginia fanpetals
Autorzy: J. Antonkiewicz, B. Kołodziej, J. Bielińska, K. Gleń-Karolczyk
Effect of a tillage system and plant cover on phosphorus and potassium losses due to surface runoff
Autorzy: M. Niemiec, M. Chowaniak -
Spatiotemporal analysis of air quality and its relationship with meteorological factors in the Yangtze River Delta
Autorzy: H. Karimian, Y. Chen, T. Tao, Y. Li -
The effectiveness of biochar in mitigating changes in the chemical properties of sandy soil treated with various chemicalAutorzy: K. Gondek, M. Kopeć, M. Mierzwa-Hersztek, T. Lošák, E. Bennewitz, A. Spandel, K. Kuc
Determination of nutritional and chemical composition of some edible wild plants used in herby cheeseAutorzy: T. Eryigit, M. Tuncturk, R. Tuncturk
Elemental determination of a solid surface by the Low Energy Ion Scattering techniqueAutorzy: M. Kiani, F. Samavat, M. Ashouri
Heavy metal content of Lactuca sativa L. grown on soils from historic mining and smelting sites in Styria (Austria) described by the Electro-Ultrafiltration (EUF) method and kinetic modelsAutorzy: M. Sager, A. Jelecevic, D. Vollprecht, P. Liebhard
Diurnal and seasonal soil CO2 efflux variation in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests in the European hemi-boreal zone, LithuaniaAutorzy: V. Marozas, O. Kučinskas
Municipal waste and related health risks
Autorzy: A. Walosik, I. Żeber-Dzikowska, K. Pawlas, J. Szajner
Environmental exposition to xenoestrogens (XEs) and related health effects
Autorzy: G. Nowak-Starz, J. Łuszczki, J. Chmielewski, B. Gworek, M. Czarny-Działak, E. Dutkiewicz, H. Król
Effect of biogas digestate, incubation, and NPK fertilization on some soil properties and growth, mineral nutrition, and nutrient uptake of wheatAutorzy: I. Erdal, C. Yaylacı
Assessment of rural area residents' awareness of municipal waste incineration
Autorzy: I. Żeber-Dzikowska, J. Łuszczki, J. Chmielewski, B. Gworek, M. Gietka, B. Wójtowicz
Occupational exposure to pesticides - a challenge for environmental health specialists and occupational medicine practitionersAutorzy: J. Łuszczki, J. Chmielewski, B. Gworek, M. Czarny-Działak, M. Gietka
Exogenous spermidine- and kinetin-mediated changes in the content of heavy metal elements and in the biomass of mashbean grown in chromium and lead polluted soilsAutorzy: G. Yasin, A. Altaf, I. Haq, A. Ahmad, S. Saima
Effect of different boron concentrations and rhizobacteria applications on physiological and biochemical properties of purple basil (Ocimum basilicum) plantAutorzy: T. Eryigit, M. Tuncturk, R. Tuncturk, M. Yolci
Effects of mycorrhıza, seaweed and bıonutrıent applied to reduce salt stress on nutrIent content, plant growth, malondIaldehyde (MDA) and prolIne In pepperAutorzy: G. Yarsi
Effects of copper stress on morphological traits and copper compartmentalization and microstructure of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) cultivarsAutorzy: M. Kocak
Fish as bioindicators of mercury contamination in aquatic environments - an underestimated threat to consumer health
Autorzy: E. Zięba, A. Walosik, I. Żeber-Dzikowska, J. Chmielewski, B. Gworek, G. Dietrich, M. Motyl, A. Kosoń -
Presence of pharmaceuticals in the environment in water - an underestimated threat to environmental health and a challenge for educationAutorzy: I. Żeber-Dzikowska, J. Chmielewski, B. Gworek, H. Król, B. Wójtowicz, J. Bąk-Badowska, M. Kordyzon, G. Dietrich, V. Littva
Profile differentiation of lead and chromium fractions found in soils localized on a moraine slopeAutorzy: D. Kalembasa , A. Majchrowska-Safaryan A., K. Pakuła
Concentration of copper, zinc, lead and cadmium in plants cultivated in the surroundings of Żelazny Most copper ore tailings impoundmentAutorzy: A. Medyńska-Juraszek, C. Kabała, T. Chodak, P. Jezierski
Trace elements in soils of upper zone of spruce forest on Szrenica Mount and the Kowarski Grzbiet range in the Karkonosze MountainsAutorzy: J. Waroszewski, C. Kabała, K. Szopka
Copper speciation in different-type soil profilesAutorzy: A. Wójcikowska-Kapusta, B. Niemczuk
Effect of soil contamination with anthracene and pyrene on yield and accumulation of macronutrients in butter lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)Autorzy: S. Krzebietke, S. Sienkiewicz
Content of zinc in plants fertilized with municipal solid waste and urban green waste compostsAutorzy: W. Sądej, A. Namiotko
Changes in the quality of water in Brdowskie Lake in 1997-2006Autorzy: R. Staniszewski, R. Staniszewski, J. Szoszkiewicz
Seasonal variability of mineral nitrogen in groundwater of hydrogenic soilsAutorzy: S. Szymczyk, J. Pawluczuk, A. Stępień
An attempt to assess the impact of anthropopressure on the ecological state of urbanised watercourses of Krakow Conurbation and the difficulties encounteredAutorzy: M. Wardas, U. Aleksander-Kwaterczak, S. Jusik, B. Hryc, T. Zgoła, M. Sztuka, M. Kaczmarska, M. Mazurek
Magnesium as a nutritional tool of nitrogen efficient management - plant production and environmentAutorzy: W. Grzebisz, K. Przygocka-Cyna, J. Diatta, W. Szczepaniak, J. Potarzycki
Concentration and pools of heavy metals in organic soils in post-fire areas used as forests and meadowsAutorzy: A. Bogacz, P. Woźniczka, B. Łabaz
Changes in the enzymatic activity in sandy loam soil exposedAutorzy: J. Kucharski, J. Wyszkowska, K. Wieczorek
Local background concentration of heavy metals in various soil types formed from glacial till of the Inowrocławska PlainAutorzy: M. Kobierski, H. Dąbkowska-Naskręt
Content of available Cu, Zn and Mn in soil amended with municipal sewage sludgeAutorzy: S. Sienkiewicz, M. Czarnecka
Concentration of zinc in water and bottom sediments in small water reservoirs located in rural areasAutorzy: H. Siwek, M. Włodarczyk, M. Gibczyńska
Changes in the content of some macroelements in maize (Zea mays L.) after application of fuel oil and different neutralizing substances to soilAutorzy: M. Wyszkowski, V. Sivitskaya
Distribution of heavy metals in bottom sediments of floodplain lakes and their parent river - a case study of the SłupiaAutorzy: K. Obolewski, K. Glińska-Lewczuk
Applicability of biochemical indices to quality assessment of soil polluted with heavy metalsAutorzy: J. Wyszkowska, J. Kucharski, M. Kucharski, A. Borowik
Content of phosphorus and selected metals in bottom sediments of Starzyc Lake under conditions of pulverizing water aerationAutorzy: H. Siwek, P. Wesołowski, A. Brysiewicz
Content of Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn in light soil after introducing anions in the form of calcium salts and after irrigationAutorzy: Ł. Chorągwicki, M. Wojcieszczuk, T. Wojcieszczuk
Changes in the chemical composition of organic media used in cultivation of garden horned violet (Viola cornuta L.) from the Patiola F1 groupAutorzy: A. Dobrowolska, D. Janicka
Influence of coal ash from fluidized-bed combustion and EM-1 preparation on the content of Fe and Mn in spring wheat and barleyAutorzy: M. Gibczyńska, M. Gałczyńska, S. Stankowski, M. Romanowski
Effect of soil pollution with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on maize biomass yield and accumulation of selected trace elementsAutorzy: K. Gondek, M. Kopeć, M. Tabak
Effect of sewage sludge application on the growth, yield and chemical composition of prairie cordgrass (Spartina pectinata Link.)Autorzy: W. Helios, W. Malarz
Evaluation of zinc and copper concentrations and the total antioxidant capacity of blood plasma in patients with malabsorption syndromeAutorzy: A. Kanikowska, M. Kucharski, M. Włochal, M. Grzymisławski, G. Mielcarz
Assessment of air pollutants in an urban agglomeration in Poland made by the biomonitoring of trees
Autorzy: P. Tkaczyk, S. Chwil, J. Kozłowska-Strawska, P. Chwil, R. Matraszek -
Evaluation of the aluminium load in the aquatic environment of two small rivers in the Baltic Sea catchment areaAutorzy: M. Senze, M. Kowalska-Góralska, H. Białowąs
Selected chemical and physicochemical properties of sediments in Moszne Lake and mire (Polesie National Park)Autorzy: D. Urban, E. Tokarz, A. Szafranek-Nakonieczna, Z. Stępniewska
Manganese and its speciation in environmental samples using hyphenated techniques: A reviewAutorzy: M. Jabłońska-Czapla
Effect of soil contamination with cadmium and application of neutralizing substances on the yield of oat (Avena sativa L.) and on the uptake of cadmium by this cropAutorzy: E. Rolka
Long-term effects of tillage and fertilization on pH and sorption parameters of haplic LuvisolAutorzy: P. Kováčik, V. Šimanský
Phytoplankton response to changes of physicochemical variables in Lake Nasser, EgyptAutorzy: A. Napiórkowska-Krzebietke, A. Hussian, M. Toufeek, A. Abd El-Monem, H. Morsi
Chemical composition of broad beans (Vicia faba L. ) and development parameters of black bean aphid (Aphis fabae Scop.) under conditions of soil contamination with oil derivativesAutorzy: J. Gospodarek, A. Nadgórska-Socha
Presence of plant hormones in composts made from organic fraction of municipal solid wasteAutorzy: A. Szymańska-Pulikowska, E. Klimas, B. Górka, P. Wieczorek
Effect of processing temperature applied to mixtures of sewage sludge and plant waste on the content of macro- and microelements in the product and on the luminescence of Vibrio fischeriAutorzy: A. Baran, K. Gondek, M. Kopeć, T. Głąb
Content of mineral nitrogen in sandy soils after an application of slow-release fertilisers in sweet sorghum cultivationAutorzy: A. Karczewska, B. Gałka, C. Kabała, J. Sowiński, E. Szydełko-Rabska
Thermal inversions and sulphure dioxide concentrations in some Polish cities in the winter seasonAutorzy: M. Czarnecka, J. Nidzgorska-Lencewicz, K. Rawicki
The isotherm and kinetic studies of the biosorption of heavy metals by non-living cells of Chlorella vulgarisAutorzy: A. Napiórkowska-Krzebietke, A. Hussian, A. Abd El-Monem, M. Goher, A. Abdel-Satar, M. Ali
Effect of calcium peroxide (CaO2) addition to poultry litter on the parameters of its physicochemical, microbiological and fertilising qualityAutorzy: T. Mituniewicz, E. Mituniewicz, W. Anna, J. Sowińska, J. Piotrowska, K. Iwańczuk-Czernik
Variability of macroelements content in soils of a young glacial river valley - a geochemical landscape approach
Autorzy: P. Sowiński -
Selenium in the environment
Autorzy: M. Brodowska, M. Haliniarz, M. Kurzyna-Szklarek -
The Use of Water Quality Indices (WQI and SAR) for Multipurpose Assessment of Water in Dam Reservoirs
Autorzy: K. Glińska-Lewczuk, I. Cymes -
Hydrochemical parameters and trophic state of an urban lake used for recreation
Autorzy: R. Tandyrak, M. Łopata, J. Grochowska
Bioconcentration of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) in Lactarius salmonicolor in the Western CarpathiansAutorzy: M. Niemiec, M. Chowaniak, Ł. Paluch
Assessment of the phytoextraction potential of thirteen plant species for chromium and vanadium and their relationship with sulfur and histidineAutorzy: M. Yaman, B. Yaman, S. Akkus Ozen
Content of organic carbon, total nitrogen and available forms of macronutrients in soil contaminated with cobaltAutorzy: M. Wyszkowski, M. Kosiorek
The content and profile distribution of carbon and nitrogen fractions susceptible to acid hydrolysis in Haplic Chernozems and Mollic Fluvisols of western SlovakiaAutorzy: J. Jonczak, V. Šimanský, N. Polláková
The impact of land use on the organic and inorganic selenium content in soils developed from loessAutorzy: P. Bartmiński, A. Plak
Analysis of trace element content in hair of autistic childrenAutorzy: J. Fiłon, J. Ustymowicz-Farbiszewska J., J. Karczewski, M. Żendzian-Piotrowska
Geographical variations in elemental compositions of two pesticidal plants from three agro-ecosystems in Nigeria and their wood protection potentiality
Autorzy: G. Adedeji, F. Eguakun, T. Elufioye, A. Egubogo -
Spatial distribution of trace elements in shallow mountain peatlands, the Stołowe Mountains (SW Poland)Autorzy: B. Glina, W. Spychalski, B. Zawieja, T. Kaczmarek
Effect of neutralising substances on the total content of trace elements in soil contaminated with zincAutorzy: M. Wyszkowski, B. Modrzewska
Macro- and micro-element composition of Osage orange Maclura pomifera L. (Moraceae)Autorzy: B. Todorovic, M. Stojiljković, S. Petrovic, S. Savic, S. Stojiljkovic
Surface microlayer of a lobelia lake: Daily dynamics of the metal content and phytoneuston/phytoplankton taxonomic composition
Autorzy: J. Antonowicz, I. Morkunas -
Occurrence of iron, manganese, and selected trace elements in water from household wells exposed to the impact of a mining areaAutorzy: B. Malczewska, S. Czaban, B. Jawecki
Removal of Pb+2, Cu+2 and Ag+ cations from wastewater by modified ZnO nanoparticles with S, N-substituted thiouracil derivativeAutorzy: L. Hajiaghababaei, Z. Amini, A. Shahvelayati
Bioaugmentation of soil contaminated with diesel oilAutorzy: J. Wyszkowska, A. Borowik
Role of anion in the effect of tetrabutylammonium salts on common radish seedlings: growth inhibition and oxidative stressAutorzy: A. Telesiński, J. Wróbel, B. Pawłowska, R. Biczak, K. Curyło
Content of certain macro- and microelements in orchard soils in relation to agronomic categories and reaction of these soilsAutorzy: M. Brodowska, W. Bednarek, S. Dresler, P. Tkaczyk, J. Krzyszczak, P. Baranowski
Compost utilisation in a heavy metal immobilisation process evaluated by bioconcentration factorsAutorzy: M. Jakubus, E. Bakinowska, N. Tatuśko
Impact of selected agrochemical treatments on the content of molybdenum in grain of winter wheat and spring barley grown on lessive soil developed from loessAutorzy: J. Kaniuczak, E. Hajduk, S. Właśniewski, M. Nazarkiewicz, M. Marchel
Health risk assessment of heavy metals in irrigation water, soil and vegetables from different farms in Riyadh district, Saudi ArabiaAutorzy: M. Ali, A. Alturiqi, L. Albedair
Effect of phosphorus on the allevıatıon of boron toxıcıty ın the tomato plant
Autorzy: İ. Sönmez, F. Gündeş
Analysis of changes in nitrogen dioxide concentration in selected European cities in the first Covid-19 waveAutorzy: T. Skrzyński, P. Narloch
The contribution of air emission to the environment of Geelong based on the PMF receptor modelAutorzy: A. Jachimowicz, H. Zhang, L. Chen
Environmental and occupational exposure to chemicals and related occupational diseasesAutorzy: M. Dziechciaż, J. Łuszczki, J. Chmielewski, B. Gworek, B. Wójtowicz, M. Kordyzon, A. Rezaei
Boron toxicity and PGPR phytoremediation effects on physiological and biochemical parameters of medical sage (Salvia officinalis L.).Autorzy: T. Eryigit, M. Tuncturk, R. Tuncturk, M. Yolci
Chemicals in wastewater and sewage sludge - an underestimated health and environmental threatAutorzy: I. Żeber-Dzikowska, B. Gworek, B. Wójtowicz, J. Bąk-Badowska, M. Kordyzon, M. Gregorczyk
Determination of the effects of urban sewage sludge and boron applications on seedling development and nutritional content of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)Autorzy: M. Çirka
Fish as bio-indicators of environmental pollutants and associated health risks to the consumerAutorzy: E. Zięba, J. Chmielewski, B. Gworek, T. Wójcik, M. Florek-Łuszczki, M. Wojciechowska, B. Wójtowicz, J. Bąk-Badowska, G. Dietrich
Cadmium accumulation in the scales of Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1782) following exposure to cadmium in waterAutorzy: E. Łuszczek-Trojnar, D. Ryndak, E. Drąg-Kozak
Oxidative stress induced by cobalt in Jatropha curcas seedlings: response of growth and chemical changesAutorzy: S. Gao, Y. Hu, W. Qian, Y. Song, D. Yu, M. He, L. Yi
Cycle of heavy metals in the soil of livestock farms in an acidic zone of the central region of ThailandAutorzy: P. Kroeksakul, A. Arin Ngamniyom, K. Silprasit, P. Singhaboot, R. Wongsin, T. Punyakul, S. Srinangyam, H. Onbut
Effects of seaweed fertIlIzer and wood vInegar applIcatIon on nutrIent uptake, plant growth and yIeld of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) grown in a greenhouseAutorzy: G. Yarsi