Effects of nitrogen on growth parameters and photosynthetic characteristics of P. chinense Schneid. seedlings in three soil types
Issue: 2/2023
Recevied: Aug 26, 2022
Accepted: May 16, 2023
Published: July 17, 2023
Meng Ying W., Wang Y., Ren H., Yao Y., Gu T., He J., Gao S.
Categories: Horticulture and forestry
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2022.27.3.2328
Soil type and nitrogen (N) are two important factors affecting plant growth and development, and photosynthetic physiological characteristics. However, there are still relatively few studies on the effects of N on P. chinense Schneid. seedlings under different types of soils. In this study, three soil types (red soil, alkaline purple soil, and acidic purple soil) and three N levels (50, 150 and 300 mg/plant) were used to investigate how N levels affected seedling growth, biomass accumulation distribution and photosynthetic characteristics under three soil types. The results showed that N may promote the growth of these seedlings and increase their height and basal stem under three soil types. The stem and leaf biomass, aerial biomass, total biomass, and root-shoot ratio showed significant differences. N increased chlorophyll content in leaves on alkaline purple soil and acidic purple soil, but inhibited chlorophyll synthesis on red soil. Under the same N application, the order for total biomass accumulation in seedlings was alkaline purple soil, red soil, and acid purple soil; for the net photosynthetic rate, it was red soil, acid purple soil, and alkaline purple soil. These results indicate that leaves might elevate the photosynthetic rate by increasing stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration, and transpiration rate, thereby promoting the growth of seedlings. In addition, soil type and nitrogen had a significant interaction effect on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of P. chinense Schneid. seedlings. These findings will help screening for suitable soil types and nitrogen application levels for efficient cultivation of P. chinense Schneid. seedlings.

Wang, Meng-ying, Wang, Ya-juan, Ren, Hong-you, Yang, Y., Gu, T., He, Jing-wen, and Gao, S. (2023) 'Effects of nitrogen on growth parameters and photosynthetic characteristics of P. chinense Schneid. seedlings in three soil types' Journal of Elementology, 28(2), 279 - 294, available: http://dx.doi.org/10.5601/jelem.2022.27.3.2328
P. chinense Schneid., growth; biomass; photosynthetic characteristics
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