The influence of geocomposites on the biomass production, the nutritional status of plants and the substrate characteristics in the container nursery production of Rosa cv. White Meidiland and Berberis thunbergii cv. Green Carpet
Issue: 3/2017
Recevied: Apr 04, 2016
Accepted: May 16, 2017
Published: June 4, 2017
Bąbelewski P., Pancerz M., Dębicz R.
Categories: Horticulture and forestry
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2016.21.3.1144
Geocomposites are a new technology consisting in the application of a superabsorbent in the form of agrotextile filled with a polymer. Geocomposites can be placed directly in the root zone and removed at any time. Moreover, the agrotextile that covers the superabsorbent protects the soil structure against the negative impact of the polymer and reduces the influence of soil on the ability of the superabsorbent to swell. The research was carried out in the years 2012-2014 on one-year-old cuttings of Rosa cv. White Meidiland and Berberis thunbergii cv. Green Carpet in an unheated foil tunnel at the Research Station of the Department of Horticulture at Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. The first factor was the use of a geocomposite, while the second one was fertilisation with full (3 g) and half (1.5 g) doses of Osmocote Plus 3-4M and 3 g of YaraMila Complex fertiliser. The aim of the study was to assess the influence of applying a geocomposite in combination with fertilisers on the fresh and dry biomass production in both species, their nutritional status regarding selected macronutrients and the chemical characteristics of substrates in the nursery production of both species. The use of a geocomposite increased both the fresh and the dry weight of roots, their total weight and the root/shoot ratio in the tested species. Its application increased the N, P, K, Mg and Ca content in the leaves of Berberis, and the N, Mg and Ca content in Rosa. For both species, using a geocomposite decreased the salinity of the substrates and increased their content of nitrates, K and Mg.

Bąbelewski P., Pancerz M., Dębicz R. 2017. The influence of geocomposites on the biomass production, the nutritional status of plants and the substrate characteristics in the container nursery production of Rosa cv. White Meidiland and Berberis thunbergii cv. Green Carpet. J. Elem., 22(3): 1095 - 1106. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2016.21.3.1144
roots weight, shoots weight, total weight, root:shoot ratio, nutrients level
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