Differentiated microelement content in anthurium (Anthurium cultorum Birdsey) leaves
Issue: 2/2010
Recevied: No data
Accepted: Brak danych
Published: March 13, 2012
Brak danych
Categories: Horticulture and forestry
DOI: jelem.2010.15.2.301-311
The main objective of the study was to determine the nutritional status in terms of the content of microelements, such as iron, manganese, zinc, copper and boron in several standard cultivars of anthurium (Anthurium cultorum Birdsey) called Baron, Choco, Midori, Pistache, President and Tropical. The plants were grown in expanded clay (ř 8-18 mm) using drip fertigation with standard nutrient for anthurium grown in inert substrates with the following components: N-NH4

Kleiber T., Komosa A. 2010. Differentiated microelement content in anthurium (Anthurium cultorum Birdsey) leaves. J. Elem. 15(2): 301-311.
tropical, plant analysis, microelement, coefficient of variability, inert substrate
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