Biometeorological determinants of the tropospheric ozone concentration in the suburban conditions of Wroclaw, Poland
Issue: 3/2016
Recevied: Oct 23, 2015
Accepted: Mar 24, 2016
Published: May 4, 2016
Kalbarczyk R., Sobolewski R., Kalbarczyk E.
Categories: Pollution and environment
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2015.20.4.1031
Our aim was to determine relationships between the tropospheric ozone concentration and the nitrogen dioxide concentration, selected meteorological factors and radiation-effective temperature in the suburban area of the city of Wroclaw. Hourly data from 2006-2011 used in the study included concentrations of tropospheric ozone, nitrogen dioxide concentrations, air temperature, air humidity, wind velocity and total irradiance of the sun. Radiation-effective temperature (TRE) was determined on the basis of the four meteorological elements. Concentrations of ozone in southwest Poland show annual, seasonal and daily variation. The highest values occur in the warmest time of the year and day, while the lowest ones are noted in the cold season of the year, in October and in the morning. The variation of ozone concentrations was found to be shaped by changes in nitrogen dioxide concentrations, meteorological elements and the bioclimatic indicator. Ozone and nitrogen dioxide were mutually most strongly correlated in the winter season. In the warm season of the year, from April to October, the ozone concentration was mainly shaped by air temperature, solar radiation, wind velocity and TRE (positive effects), and by relative humidity of the air (a negative influence). The multiple regression equation best described the ozone concentration variation in May. Increased concentrations of ozone were found to appear during thermal stress, expressed as a sensation of warmth/heat, but could also occur under thermal comfort conditions.

Kalbarczyk R., Sobolewski R., Kalbarczyk E. 2016. Biometeorological determinants of the tropospheric ozone concentration in the suburban conditions of Wroclaw, Poland. J. Elem., 21(3): 729 - 744, DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2015.20.4.1031
assessment of human warmth/hot feeling, radiation-effective temperature, southwest Poland
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