Development of a new insulation material from hazelnut shells (Hazelnut shell insulation board - HSIB)
Issue: 1/2024
Recevied: January 2, 2024
Accepted: March 15, 2024
Published: March 19, 2024
M. Ozocak, C. Sisman
Categories: Pollution and environment
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2024.29.1.3187
Environmental pollution caused by waste is increasing day by day. In this context, waste disposal efforts have gained importance. Among these studies, the disposal of waste by converting it into a new product stands out. In addition to preventing environmental pollution, it is also possible to obtain a new product by utilizing wastes generated especially after agricultural production. A new insulation material (HSIB) has been developed by using hazelnut shells in different proportions. The aim of this study is to produce insulation boards by using the shells released as waste after hazelnut production. For this purpose, 5 mm thick insulation boards were obtained by gluing hazelnut shells into a very fine-grained shape (0-4 mm) with the help of epoxy and pressing. Two separate subjects were formed by using 80% and 90% of the hazelnut shells used in the board production, and 10% and 20% epoxy as binders. Thermal conductivity, sound transmission, water absorption, unit volume and compressive strength tests were carried out on both subjects. The results showed that the unit volume weights of the boards were 1.543-1,592 g cm-³, thermal conductivity coefficients were 0.136-0.148 W(m.K)-1, and sound transmission velocities were 1196-1270 m s-1. Thermal conductivity and sound transmission values have a strong linear correlation with one volume. Within the scope of the research, it can be said that the insulation board (HSIB), developed by using hazelnut shells, which are agricultural waste, can be used to improve thermal insulation in different parts of buildings such as walls and ceilings.




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