Trace elements in soils of upper zone of spruce forest on Szrenica Mount and the Kowarski Grzbiet range in the Karkonosze Mountains
Issue: 4/2009
Recevied: No data
Accepted: Brak danych
Published: July 18, 2012
Brak danych
Categories: Pollution and environment
DOI: jelem.2009.14.4.805-814
New regular examination of soil contamination with trace elements (Pb, Zn, Cu) in the upper zone of spruce forest in the western (Mount Szrenica) and eastern (Kowarski Grzbiet range) Karkonosze Mountains was carried out as part of the monitoring network of forest ecosystems in the Karkonosze Mountains National Park. Soil samples were taken at the following three depths: forest litter (the whole layer), 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm. Clearly raised concentrations of lead were found, particularly in forest litter (mean 83.2 mg⋅kg-1) and in horizons 0-10 cm (mean 73.3 mg⋅kg-1). Copper and zinc occurred in smaller amounts, in the ectohumus layer 47.5 mg Zn⋅kg-1 and 23.8 mg Cu kg-1 (mean concentrations), and in the layer 0-10 cm – 33.7 mg Zn kg-1 and 19.9 mg Cu kg-1. Zinc and copper concentrations in soils of the upper spruce forest zone did not increase with altitude above mean sea level, and were slightly higher in the eastern part of Karkonosze Mts. (the Kowarski Grzbiet). Concentrations of lead were apparently higher in the western part of the Karkosze Mts. and increased with altitude AMSL.

Waroszewski J., Kabała C., Szopka K. 2009. Trace elements in soils of upper zone of spruce forest on Szrenica Mount and the Kowarski Grzbiet range in the Karkonosze Mountains. J. Elem. 14(4): 805-814.
soils, trace elements, upper spruce-zone, the Karkonosze Mountains
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