Artykuły wydania 4 / 2023
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.28.4.2023
Impact of agriculture on N2O emissions: A review
Autorzy: Dmuchowski W., Gworek B., Baczewska-Dąbrowska A.
Cycle of heavy metals in the soil of livestock farms in an acidic zone of the central region of Thailand
Autorzy: Kroeksakul P., Arin Ngamniyom A., Silprasit K., Singhaboot P., Wongsin R., Punyakul T., Srinangyam S., Onbut H.
Determination of some morphological traits and total phenolic and flavonoid contents in Cynara spp. collected from Turkey and North Cyprus Turkish Republic
Autorzy: Turkmen O., Paksoy M., Keskin L., Yüceol F., Çınar N., Çınar O., Hacıküçük A., Namal H., Göktürk R.
Effect of agronomic practices on yield, grain quality and root infestation by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici of winter wheat
Autorzy: Woźniak A.
Effects of chemical, organic and microbial fertilization on agronomical growth parameters, seed yield and chemical composition of chickpea
Autorzy: Cig F., Doğan S.
Effects of seaweed fertIlIzer and wood vInegar applIcatIon on nutrIent uptake, plant growth and yIeld of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L) grown in a greenhouse
Autorzy: Yarsi G
Effects of sowing date variation on winter wheat (Tritium aestivum L.) quality and grain yield
Autorzy: Jarecki W.
Heritability, genetic advance and sequential path analysis of oil yield and related traits in spring oilseed rape genotypes
Autorzy: Zeinalzadeh-Tabrizi H.
Oxidative stress induced by cobalt in Jatropha curcas seedlings: response of growth and chemical changes
Autorzy: Gao S., Hu Y., Qian W., Song Y., Yu D., He M., Yi L.
The effect of the use of vermicompost, leonardite and pomace on some soil properties in olive cultivation
Autorzy: Eren A., Sakar E., Bayyiğit
A comparison of the quality of plain yogurt and icelandic yogurt (skyr)
Autorzy: Daszkiewicz T., Ankiewicz W.
Accumulation of heavy metals in soil and Chelidonium majus L. in the urban environment
Autorzy: O. Rahmonov, D. Środek, S. Pytel, T. Kupka, N. Makieieva
Chemical composition, nitrate content, and yield of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) grown under different concentrations of NaCl
Autorzy: B. Markiewicz, M. Bosiacki, J. Rogalski, K. Misiak, E. Mieloszyk, M. Mieloch
Design of experiment approach to optimize high resolution ICP-OES method for biomonitoring of Zn level in human blood samples
Autorzy: J. Sawicki, M. Wójciak, S. Dresler, A. Torbicz, A. Skalska-Kamińska, I. Sowa
Effect of milk performance and udder health on the zinc content of cows milk
Autorzy: Z. Nogalski, A. Nogalska
Effect of plant growth-promoting bacteria and undersown crops on the total protein content of spring barley grain grown in organic agriculture
Autorzy: R. Górski, A. Płaza, A. Niewiadomska, K. Głuchowska, R. Rosa
Effects of Bisphenol AF and Bisphenol S on the contractility of the porcine uterus
Autorzy: A. Łukawska, W. Markiewicz, T. Grabowski, J. Jaroszewski
Effects of replacing mineral fertilizers with sewage sludge and biogas digestate on ethanol production of Miscanthus sacchariflorus
Autorzy: B. Dubis, T. Pokój, M. Lewandowska, B. Bogucka, A. Zajkowska, A. Szatkowski
Evaluation of fungal diversity and mycotoxin content in pig feed containing clusterbean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) meal
Autorzy: K. Karpiesiuk, M. Polak-Śliwińska, J. Dąbrowska, A. Pszczółkowska, W. Kozera, U. Czarnik, A. Okorski
Evaluation of yield and content of selected nutrients and minerals in spring wheat grain
Autorzy: R. Tobiasz-Salach, W. Jarecki, A. Augustyńska-Preisnar
Freshwater biodiversity crisis: macroinvertebrates response to receiving a wastewater treatment plant effluent along a downstream gradient
Autorzy: R. Kędzior, E. Dacewicz, K. Chmielowski, A. Ziernicka-Wojtaszek
Impact of simulated acid rains on leakage of mineral elements from foliage of conifers and monocotyledons – adaptability matters
Autorzy: J. Diatta, M. Wróbel, D. Gawroński, J. Niemann, K. Przygocka-Cyna, M. Bombrys, M. Nili, N. Youssef
Quality characteristics and chemical composition of the fatteners meat subjected to electrical and gas stunning
Autorzy: R. Palka, A. Zmudzińska, A. Cebulska, H. Jankowiak
Quality of winter rape seeds (Brassica napus L.) depending on genetic factor, soil and foliar applications of mineral and organic substances
Autorzy: A. Sikorska, M. Gugała, K. Zarzecka, I. Mystkowska, P. Findura, M. Prístavka
Recycling dredged sediments to agriculture: effects on acidic sandy soil properties
Autorzy: B. Rutkowska, W. Kazberuk, W. Szulc
Role of humic acids-based fertilisers and nitrogen fertilisers in regulation macroelement content in maize biomass
Autorzy: M. Wyszkowski, N. Kordala, M. Brodowska
The effect of different proportions of Medicago media Pers. in two-component alfalfa-grass mixtures on the macronutrient content of aboveground biomass
Autorzy: M. Olszewska, E. Mackiewicz-Walec
Variance analysis of experimental study of effects of amino acids and Fe chelate on turfgrass
Autorzy: A. Radkowski, K. Wolski, I. Radkowska, R. Burduk, K. Khachatryan, H. Bujak, L. Jelen