Quality characteristics and chemical composition of the fatteners meat subjected to electrical and gas stunning
Wydanie: 4/2023
Otrzymano: Październik 7, 2023
Zaakceptowano: Grudzień 12, 2023
Opublikowano online: Grudzień 12, 2023
R. Palka, A. Zmudzińska, A. Cebulska, H. Jankowiak
Kategorie: Food science
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2023.28.4.3150
The study undertook to assess the effect of the method for stunning pigs, housed under equal conditions and transported over similar distances to meat processing plants, on the value of quality characteristics of pork. The experimental animals were divided into two groups that were subjected to a different stunning method, i.e. using electric current (Group I) and a high CO2 concentration (Group II). During the bleeding, blood samples were collected from pigs to determine the cortisol concentration, and 45 minutes after slaughter, the pH value was assessed. After cooling the carcasses, meat samples were collected from the lumbar section of the musculus longissimus dorsi muscle for laboratory assessment. The most important quality characteristics, namely water-holding capacity, drip loss, thermal drip, and tenderness, were assessed. Additionally, sensory assessment of the meat was carried out. The basic chemical composition of meat was also determined. The obtained study results indicate certain relationships between the meat quality and the selected fattener stunning method. It is worth emphasising the more favourable colour of meat, lower drip loss, thermal drip, and better texture of meat in the group of pigs subjected to gas stunning; (P<0.05; P<0.01). The assessment of pigs’ stress based on the blood cortisol concentration did not clearly indicate any of the stunning methods as the one conditioning stress. The differences obtained in this regard were not confirmed as statistically significant. Considering the impossibility of completely eliminating animals’ stress at the pre-slaughter stage, it is important to follow appropriate procedures while maintaining proper animal welfare conditions.




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