Nitrogen content and uptake by spring wheat and undersown Persian clover depending on plant density
Wydanie: 1/2016
Otrzymano: Marzec 04, 2015
Zaakceptowano: Czerwiec 17, 2015
Opublikowano online: Listopad 28, 2015
Wanic M., Myśliwiec M., Orzech K., Michalska M.
Kategorie: Agricultural
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2015.20.2.892
In 2010-2012, a pot experiment was conducted in order to assess the impact of a sowing method and density of spring wheat and Persian clover on their uptake and content of nitrogen in different parts of the plants. The plants were grown in the following variants: a mixture, pure sowing, higher density (recommended in agricultural practice) and density reduced by 20%. Observations were performed in the following wheat development growth stages (BBCH): leaf development (12-14), tillering (21-23), stem elongation (31-32), inflorescence emergence (54-56) and ripening (87-89). The experiment included determinations of dry matter in different parts of plants (aerial organs, roots) and of the nitrogen content in dry matter. Based on the results, the total nitrogen content was determined in both species. The data were also used to calculate nitrogen translocation from the wheat vegetative mass to grain, and to calculate selected competition indicators. It was demonstrated that - regardless of the density of plants - the nitrogen uptake by spring wheat and Persian clover in the mixed sowing was lower than in the pure sowing treatment. Mixed sowing caused a more limited nitrogen uptake by the aerial parts of both species than by their roots. No impact was demonstrated of the plant density on the nitrogen uptake by different parts of spring wheat. Persian clover in pots with the lower sowing density absorbed less nitrogen than in pots with the recommended density. Nitrogen translocation from the vegetative parts to the grain of spring wheat between the inflorescence emergence and ripening stages was more effective in the mixture than in the pure sown plants. In mixed sowing, after nitrogen uptake, wheat proved to be a stronger competitor than Persian clover during the whole plant growing period.

Wanic M., Myśliwiec M., Orzech K., Michalska M. 2016. Nitrogen content and uptake by spring wheat and undersown persian clover depending on plant density. J. Elem., 21(1): 231 - 246, DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2015.20.2.892
Słowa kluczowe:
undersown, cover crop, growth stages, nitrogen, accumulation, aboveground parts, roots, competition
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