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J. Elem.
ISSN – 1644-2296
DOI: 10.5601

Szukaj artykułu

Aluminum content in cereal products from eastern Poland

Wydanie: 2/2024

Otrzymano: Kwiecień 7, 2024

Zaakceptowano: Maj 24, 2024

Opublikowano online: Maj 24, 2024


I. Gładysz, E. Plazuk, A. Dmitrowicz, A. Szepeluk, J. Karczewski

Kategorie: Food science

DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2024.29.2.3317


Aluminum (Al) is a widespread element in the earth's crust. In large quantities, it can be toxic to both plants and herbivores. The aim of the work was to determine the aluminum content in samples of flour, groats and other cereal products available on the retail market in eastern Poland. Al determination was performed in the chemical laboratory of the Biała Podlaska University "EKO-AGRO-TECH" using a ball mill and a mineralization furnace. The assessment of the content of this element will allow determining whether the aluminum content depends on the type of product, which may be helpful in assessing exposure to aluminum. The flakes and groats were ground in a Fritsh ball mill and dissolved in pure acids, nitrogen and salt (6:1), and mineralized in the Anton Paar furnace. Then, the samples were diluted with distilled water and filtered on paper filters, and the filtrates were subjected to an elemental analysis using an atomic emission spectrometer with excitation using the ICP-OES Spectro-blue FME 26 apparatus. The average concentration of aluminum in all tested products does not differ significantly from the average concentrations of this element in individual groups. After averaging in individual product groups, it was found that the average content in all products combined is not statistically different in each of these products. A balanced aluminum concentration was found in the tested cereal products originating from Southern Podlasie (Lublin Voivodeship) and from the southern districts of the Podlaskie Voivodeship. It was found that the aluminum concentration in the tested cereal products did not show statistically significant differences.



Gładysz, I., Plazuk, E., Dmitrowicz, A., Szepeluk, A. and Karczewski, J. (2024) 'Aluminum content in cereal products from eastern Poland', Journal of Elementology, 29(2), 379-385, available:


Gładysz, I.; Plazuk, E.; Dmitrowicz, A.; Szepeluk, A.; Karczewski, J. Aluminum content in cereal products from eastern Poland. J. Elem. 2024, 29, 2, 379-385.


Gładysz I, Plazuk E, Dmitrowicz A, Szepeluk A, Karczewski J. Aluminum content in cereal products from eastern Poland. J. Elem. 2024;29(2): 379-385.


Gładysz Iwona, Plazuk Ewa, Dmitrowicz Aleksandra, Szepeluk Adam, Karczewski Jan. 2024. "Aluminum content in cereal products from eastern Poland" J. Elem. 29, no.2: 379-385.

Słowa kluczowe:

aluminum, dietary exposure, cereals, metals

O wydaniu:

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