Variance analysis of experimental study of effects of amino acids and Fe chelate on turfgrass
Wydanie: 4/2023
Otrzymano: Wrzesień 19, 2023
Zaakceptowano: Listopad 14, 2023
Opublikowano online: Listopad 16, 2023
A. Radkowski, K. Wolski, I. Radkowska, R. Burduk, K. Khachatryan, H. Bujak, L. Jelen
Kategorie: Agricultural
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2023.28.3.3128
Fertilizing turfgrasses helps keep the turf green in good aesthetic condition. Systematic fertilisation makes the turfgrass more resistant to negative weather conditions, makes it easier for it to survive droughts, and has a characteristic dark green colour. Fertilisers also protect turfgrass from moss and various diseases. A visual assessment was carried out (general aspect, turf area, leaf colour and structure), selected vegetation indices, and minerals were evaluated. Conducted at the Experimental Station of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland, the research was carried out to assess the functional value of turfgrasses. An amino acid product sprayed at a dose of 2.0 ha-1 and iron chelate at a dose of 130 g Fe·ha-1 constituted experimental. The visual assessment of turfgrass characteristics was made based on a 9-point scale. The mineral content of the plant was also determined. During the growing period, the grass was mowed to a height of 6 cm. The combination of both products significantly increased turfgrass quality. The turfgrasses in the plots treated with amino acids and Fe chelate applied together had the highest aesthetic and functional values. Satisfactory results were also obtained in plots where the amino acid product was applied on its own. This research underscores the profound impact of systematic fertilization and offers valuable insights for turfgrass management. Furthermore, the findings emphasize the synergistic effect of combining specific nutrients, like amino acids and iron chelate, in enhancing the overall health and appearance of turfgrasses. Such strategic applications can revolutionize turf maintenance practices and promote sustainable landscaping.




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