Evaluation of yield and content of selected nutrients and minerals in spring wheat grain
Wydanie: 4/2023
Otrzymano: Sierpień 4, 2023
Zaakceptowano: Listopad 11, 2023
Opublikowano online: Listopad 12, 2023
R. Tobiasz-Salach, W. Jarecki, A. Augustyńska-Preisnar
Kategorie: Agricultural
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2023.28.3.3063
The aim of the study was to compare the size and quality of yield of selected wheat species: common (Triticum aestivum subsp. aestivum), hard (T. turgidum L. subsp. durum), spelt (T. aestivum subsp. spelta), emmer (Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccum) and einkorn (T. monococcum subsp. monoccocum). The field experiment was established at the Podkarpackie Agricultural Advisory Center in Boguchwała, Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland. It was carried out in 2019, 2020 and 2021. It was a one-factor experiment in a randomized block design with four replicates.. The experiment was set up on Luvisol soil with slightly acidic pH and medium humus and mineral nitrogen content. Common wheat was characterized by the shortest straw, long ear and the highest number of grains per ear and TSW. Hard wheat and spelt had similar or slightly lower biometric parameters. Emmer and einkorn developed the longest culm and were susceptible to lodging. In addition, they had short ears with a low number of grains and TSW. The yield of common wheat ranged from 5.88 to 6.66 t ha-1, durum wheat yielded lower, from 5.06 to 5.81 t ha-1, and spelt from 3.44 to 4.05 t ha-1, the lowest yield was obtained from emmer and einkorn wheats, from 1.72 to 2.31 t ha-1 and 1.45 to 2.23 t ha-1, respectively. However, einkorn and emmer grains contained the most nutrients and minerals components, spelt and durum wheats less. A high content of protein, fat, calcium, manganese and copper was determined in the grain of these species. In addition, emmer grain contained high ash content and einkorn grain high magnesium content. In general, the lowest amount of nutrients and minerals components was determined in naked wheat grains, especially common wheat.




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