Organoleptic characteristics and the total glycoalkaloids content of edible potato tubers depending on a cultivation technology and storage
Wydanie: 1/2023
Otrzymano: Listopad 28, 2022
Zaakceptowano: Styczeń 10, 2023
Opublikowano online: Marzec 2, 2023
Retmańska K., Pobereżny J., Wszelaczyńska E., Gościnna K., Ropińska P.
Kategorie: Agricultural, Biology and microbiology, Food science
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2022.27.4.2359
Criteria for the selection of edible potato varieties are such characteristics as the skin and flesh color, palatability and the tendency of the flesh to darken, which are subjectively evaluated by the consumer, as well as the content of undesirable substances like solanine. The quality of the edible potato depends primarily on the environmental conditions and cultivation technology. Magnesium has a considerable influence on the size and quality of the potato tuber yield. If potato plants are grown under stress conditions, a biostimulant should be used. The purpose of the research was to determine the influence of magnesium, application of biostimulant and storage time on organoleptic properties of potato tubers of the edible variety called Gala as well as the total content of glycoalkaloids (TGA) in tubers. The experimental factors were: assessment date (immediately after harvest as well as after 6 months of storage in +4ºC and RH 95%), magnesium fertilization (0, 30, 60, 90 kg ha-1), biostimulator application (0; 1.5; 3.0 l ha-1). The study showed that the application of magnesium during the potato growing season caused a change in the intensity of tuber flesh color to a more yellow color and increased the content of TGA. The greatest effect in this regard was obtained with the dose of 90 kg MgO ha-1. In addition, the application of magnesium reduced the darkening processes of both raw and cooked tubers. The best results in this regard were obtained after the application of magnesium in soil at 30 and 60 kg ha-1. The application of the biostimulant had a positive effect on the distinguishing features of the consumption value: taste and smell. The best taste and neutral smell were obtained by potato tubers from objects where the biostimulant was applied at a dose of 1.5 l ha-1. Application of the biostimulant increased the TGA content in tubers. Long-term storage generally deteriorated the quality of the Gala potato variety tubers in terms of all the tested organoleptic characteristics and increased the TGA content.

Retmańska K., Pobereżny J., Wszelaczyńska E., Gościnna K., Ropińska P. 2023. Organoleptic characteristics and the total glycoalkaloids content of edible potato tubers depending on a cultivation technology and storage. J. Elem., 28(1): 7-25. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2022.27.4.2359
Słowa kluczowe:
edible potato, consumption value, oxidative potential, magnesium, biostimulant, storage, solanine
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