Determınatıon of the content of antıoxıdants and bıochemıcal composition of legume mıcrogreens
Wydanie: 1/2022
Otrzymano: Sierpień 13, 2021
Zaakceptowano: Luty 20, 2022
Opublikowano online: Marzec 18, 2022
Altuner F., Tuncturk R., Oral E., Tuncturk M.
Kategorie: Agricultural, Food science
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2022.27.1.2178
This research was conducted in 2021, in a controlled climate room of the Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops. It was set up according to the Completely Randomized Experimental Design. Total antioxidant activity (TAA), total phenolic (TPC), total flavonoid (TFC), total ascorbic acid (TAC), total chlorophyll (TCHL), chlorophyll a (CHLa), chlorophyll b (CHLb) and total carotenoid (CAR) concentrations and their correlations in sainfoin (Lutfibey), alfalfa (Bilensoy), red clover (Dadas) chickpea (Arda), lentils (Sazak), cowpea (Amazon), black chickpea (local), mung bean (local) and maize (Arifiye) were determined. The highest amounts of TAA (4789.373 mg TE g−1 DM) and TPC (791.770 mg GAE 100 g−1 DM) were determined in red clover, and the amount of TFC (672.177 mg QE 100 g−1 DM) was the highest in maize. The TAA content of the other plants was 6- to 8-fold lower than in red clover and maize. The TAC content of the plants, except alfalfa, red clover and maize, was similar. Cowpea had the lowest values in terms of TAA, TPC and TPC. The highest TCHL (36.632 µg g-1 TA FW), CHLa (25.247 µg g−1 TA FW), CHLb (11.385 µg g−1 TA FW) and CAR (7.015 µg g−1 TA FW) were found in lentils. Pigment values of lentils are 75-79% higher than those in the closest plant. All pigment values of the mung bean were at the lowest level and 50% lower than in the closest plant. A negative and insignificant correlation was found among TAA, TPC and TFC with TAC, a positive and significant correlation was determined among TFC with TAA and TPC, and a positive and very important correlation was detected between TPC and TAA. A positive and very significant correlation was found between CAR with all pigment properties, between CHLb with TCHL and CHLa, and between CHLa and TCHL.

Altuner F., Tuncturk R., Oral E., Tuncturk M. 2022. Determınatıon of the content of antıoxıdants and bıochemıcal composition of legume mıcrogreens. J. Elem., 27(1): 165 - 180. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2022.27.1.2178
Słowa kluczowe:
Fabaceae, Microgreens, Antioxidants, Bioactive compounds, Correlations
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