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J. Elem.
ISSN – 1644-2296
DOI: 10.5601

Szukaj artykułu

Yield and the content of macroelements in common pea/spring rye mixtures cultivated for green matter

Wydanie: 2/2019

Otrzymano: Maj 17, 2018

Zaakceptowano: Październik 26, 2018

Opublikowano online: Styczeń 25, 2019


Płaza A., Gąsiorowska B., Rzążewska E., Cybulska A., Górski R.

Kategorie: Agricultural

DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2018.23.3.1682


Yields of mixtures are usually more reliable that those of pure stands of the species which the mixtures contain, which is due to better exploitation of habitat conditions, including macroelements and water stored in the soil. The quantity of macroelements which is supplied into a diet with the biomass of fabaceae/cereal mixtures may vary greatly and be dependent on a species composition, percentage share of the components in a mixture as well as a harvest time. This work presents results of research conducted from 2010 to 2012 in order to determine the effect of the share of components in a mixture and the harvest date on fresh matter yield and mineral composition in mixtures of common pea and spring rye. An experiment was conducted to study the following two factors: I. − share of components in the mixture: 100% common pea cultivated in pure stand, 100% spring rye grown in pure stand, 75% common pea + 25% spring rye, 50% common pea + 50% spring rye, 25% common pea  + 75% spring rye; II. − harvest date: common pea flowering stage, common pea flat green pod stage. During harvest fresh matter yield of the mixtures was determined in each plot, and macroelement content was recorded in samples collected. The results demonstrated that the highest fresh matter yield was harvested for a mixture which contained 50% common pea and 50% spring rye. The mineral content in common pea/spring rye mixtures harvested at the stage of common pea flowering stage was significantly higher than in mixtures harvested at the stage of common pea flat green pod.  


Płaza A., Gąsiorowska B., Rzążewska E., Cybulska A., Górski R. 2019. Yield and the content of macroelements in common pea/spring rye mixtures cultivated for green matter. J. Elem., 24(2): 489 - 499. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2018.23.3.1682

Słowa kluczowe:

legume, cereal, efficiency of forage, content of minerals, harvest date

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