Accumulation of chromium, aluminum, barium and arsenic in selected elements of a forest ecosystem in the Przedbabiogórskie Mountain Range in the Western Carpathians
Wydanie: 3/2017
Otrzymano: Październik 31, 2016
Zaakceptowano: Maj 15, 2017
Opublikowano online: Czerwiec 2, 2017
Niemiec M., Chowaniak M., Paluch Ł.
Kategorie: Food science, Pollution and environment
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2017.22.1.1341
Large spore mushrooms and trees are frequently used in bioindication, the reasons being their widespread occurrence and substantial capacity to accumulate trace elements. The aim of the research was to compare the bioaccumulation coefficients of As, Ba, Al, and Cr in Lactarius salmonicolor L., and in Abies alba M. needles, collected in the Przedbabiogórskie Mountain Range. In 2015, samples of soil, mushrooms and Abies alba needles were collected from 17 sites. All the collected samples were dried and homogenized. Laboratory samples of the mushrooms and needles were subjected to dry mineralization in an open system. The soil samples were mineralized in aqua regia. Concentration of elements in the solutions was determined by atomic emission spectrometry. Based on the results, bioaccumulation factors of individual elements were calculated. The bioaccumulation factors were calculated by dividing the concentration of a given element in the dry matter of mushrooms and needles used in the research by the content of the same element in the soil. In addition, the correlation coefficient between the content of the above elements in the soil, mushrooms and needles was computed. The content of the elements in forest soils was low, typical for unpolluted areas. Concentrations of the elements in Lactarius salmonicolor L. and in Abies alba M. needles were in the following decreasing order: As>Cr>Ba>Al. The values of bioaccumulation factors of the elements in needles can be arranged from the lowest as follows: Al>Cr>As>Ba, whereas in the mushrooms the order was Al>Ba>Cr>As. No statistically significant relationship between the organic carbon content in the soil and the level of accumulation of the elements in the fungal fruiting bodies and fir needles was observed. The content of elements in the soil had the largest effect on the amount of these elements accumulated in Abies alba needles and in biomass of Lactarius salmonicolor.

Niemiec M., Chowaniak M., Paluch Ł. 2017. Accumulation of chromium, aluminum, barium and arsenic in selected elements of a forest ecosystem in the Przedbabiogórskie Mountain Range in the Western Carpathians. J. Elem., 22(3): 1107 - 1116. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2017.22.1.1341
Słowa kluczowe:
bioaccumulation coefficient, trace elements, needles, mushrooms, fir, forest soils
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