Activity of β-glucosidase, arylsulfatase and phosphatases in soil contaminated with copper
Wydanie: 1/2010
Otrzymano: Brak danych
Zaakceptowano: Brak danych
Opublikowano online: Marzec 18, 2012
Brak danych
Kategorie: Agricultural, Biology and microbiology, Pollution and environment
DOI: jelem.2010.15.1.213-226
A pot experiment was carried out to determine the effect of soil (loamy sand and sandy loam) contamination with copper doses of 0, 150, 450 mg Cu⋅kg-1 d.m. soil on the activity of β-glucosidase (EC, acid phosphatase (EC, alkaline phosphatase (EC and arylsulfatase (EC in soil. The resistance of these enzymes to copper pollution was also estimated. Soil samples were contaminated with copper chloride. The experiment was carried out in five replications, in two series. The first series was performed on uncropped soil and the second one – on cropped soil. The experimental plants were oat, spring rape and yellow lupine. The activity of soil enzymes was determined in the analyzed samples on the 25th and the 50th day of the experiment.The results of the experiment showed that copper contamination in doses of 150 mg to 450 mg⋅kg-1 soil significantly inhibits soil’s biochemical activity. The sensitivity of the tested enzymes to copper was determined in the following order: alkaline phosphatase>arylsulfatase>acid phosphatase>β-glucosidase. The resistance of the above enzymes to copper depended on the cultivated plant species, soil type and the type of soil use and management. In samples of sandy loam, copper induced the smallest change in the activity of acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase, and in loamy sand – in the activity of arylsulfatase and acid phosphatase. In uncropped soil, copper was the least effective in changing the activity of arylsulfatase and acid pho- sphatase. All of the tested enzymes were less resistant to copper contamination in cropped than in uncropped soil. In soil planted with oat, β-glucosidase was the most resistant and arylsulfatase was the least resistant enzyme to copper contamination. In samples sown with spring rape, the analogous enzymes were arylsulfatase and alkaline phosphatase. In yellow lupine treatments, alkaline phosphatase was the most and β-glucosidase was the least resistant enzyme.

Wyszkowska J., Kucharski M., Kucharski J. 2010. Activity of β-glucosidase, arylsulfatase and phosphatases in soil contaminated with copper. J. Elem. 15(1): 213-226.
Słowa kluczowe:
copper, β-glucosidase, phosphatase, arylsulfatase, resistance rate, soil contamination with copper
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