Chemical composition of seeds of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) cultivars depending on the intensity of agricultural technology
Wydanie: 2/2016
Otrzymano: Grudzień 01, 2014
Zaakceptowano: Listopad 11, 2015
Opublikowano online: Luty 11, 2016
Kraska P., Andruszczak S., Kwiecińska-Poppe E., Różyło K., Świeca M., Pałys E.
Kategorie: Agricultural, Food science
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.4.814
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the level of agronomic practice on the content of N, P, K, Mg, Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe and Ca in linseed seed cultivars (cv. Szafir and Oliwin) sown at a row spacing of 15 cm or 25 cm. A field experiment was carried out in 2010–2012. on mixed rendzina soil. The agronomic practice applied differed in the dosage of nitrogen (40, 60 or 80 kg N ha-1) and in weed control (A. without herbicides; B. with two herbicides, C. with three herbicides). The cultivar Szafir was characterised by a significantly higher content of nitrogen than cv. Oliwin, which in turn had a higher manganese content. The content of potassium, magnesium, zinc and manganese in seeds was higher when flax was sown at the narrower row spacing (15 cm) compared to the 25 cm row spacing. A similar relationship was determined for nitrogen, iron and calcium, but statistical verification did not confirm the significance of these differences. The level of agrotechnology in linseed crop cultivation did not influence the seed concentration of the elements. A slightly higher content of the elements in seeds was detected in the treatments where extensive (40 kg N ha-1, without herbicides) and medium intensive technology (60 kg N ha-1, Linurex 50 WP, Fusilade Forte 150 EC) were used, compared to intensive technology (80 N ha-1, Linurex 50 WP, Fusilade Forte 150 EC, Glean 75 WG). A slightly higher content of Fe and Ca was determined in seeds harvested from the plots where the intensive technology was used. Weather conditions significantly affected the content of K, Mg, Zn and Mn in linseed seeds.

Kraska P., Andruszczak S., Kwiecińska-Poppe E., Różyło K., Świeca M., Pałys E. 2016. Chemical composition of seeds of linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) cultivars depending on the intensity of agricultural technology. J. Elem., 21(2): 425 - 433, DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.4.814
Słowa kluczowe:
linseed, nitrogen fertilisation, herbicides, row spacing, seed quality
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