Nutritional value and the content of minerals in eggs produced in large-scale, courtyard and organic systems
Wydanie: 4/2015
Otrzymano: Lipiec 03, 2014
Zaakceptowano: Maj 20, 2015
Opublikowano online: Lipiec 27, 2015
Kiczorowska B., Samolińska W., Kwiecień M. , Winiarska-Mieczan A., Rusinek -Prystupa E., Al-Yasiry A.
Kategorie: Fisheries and animal bioengineering , Review paper
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.4.701
The aim of this study was to determine the content of basic nutrients as well as selected macro- and micro-elements in the albumen and yolk of eggs produced at large-scale, commercial poultry production farms (10) as well as in organic (8) and courtyard farms (12). Ten eggs were randomly collected 3 times on each farm. For chemical analyses, the eggs were hard-boiled for 15 min and then stored at a temp. of 4 ºC until analyzed. The albumen and yolk of hard-boiled eggs were assessed for the content of dry matter, total protein, crude fat and crude ash, and for their energy value (net Atwater equivalents) as well as the concentrations of K, Na, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, Zn, Cu, Se and Mn. No differences were observed in the content of dry matter, total protein and crude ash. However, differences were demonstrated for the crude fat content, the highest (P

Kiczorowska B., Samolińska W., Kwiecień M., Winiarska-Mieczan A., Rusinek-Prystupa E., Al-Yasiry A.R.M. 2015. Nutritional value and the content of minerals in eggs produced in large-scale, courtyard and organic systems. J. Elem., 20(4): 887 - 895, DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.4.701
Słowa kluczowe:
type keeping laying, eggs, nutrition value, mineral elements
O wydaniu:
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