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J. Elem.
ISSN – 1644-2296
DOI: 10.5601

Szukaj artykułu

Raspberry seed extract improves the ferroxidase activity of ceruloplasmin in patients with lower artery chronic total occlusion

Wydanie: 2/2015

Otrzymano: Maj 08, 2014

Zaakceptowano: Wrzesień 21, 2014

Opublikowano online: Kwiecień 2, 2015


Gryszczyńska B., Iskra M., Małecka M., Wielkoszynski T., Pachołek B., Gliszczyńska-Świgło A., Gryszczyńska A., Budzyń-Napierała M., Kasprzak M., Strzyżewski K.

Kategorie: Medicine and veterinary

DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.3.662


Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is the major antioxidant in plasma, a protein that carries about 95% of the total copper. Multiple biochemical activities of ceruloplasmin have been described, including copper transport or oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) for subsequent uptake by transferrin and ferritin. Reduction of the pool of free Fe(II) ions by Cp prevents the generation of free radicals and reactive oxygen species by oxidation of Fe(II), thus inhibiting the Haber-Weiss reaction. The removal of both free Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions from blood plasma by polyphenols enhances the antioxidant system of the living organism. However, the mechanism of interactions between exo- and endogenous antioxidants is still under consideration. The effect of raspberry seed extract (RSE) on the ferroxidase activity of ceruloplasmin isolated from plasma of patients with chronic arterial occlusion of the lower limbs due to atherosclerosis (CpAO) was investigated. Moreover, the effect of RSE on the ferroxidase activity of Cp isolated from healthy volunteers (CpC) was also estimated. The ferroxidase activity of Cp, expressed as ΔFe(II), was determined by spectrophotometry with the use of the Fe(II)–histidine complex and ferrozine as a chromogenic reagent. The addition of RSE to samples with the same amount of both CpAO or CpC in each caused an increase in ΔFe(II). The polyphenol-rich RSE may assist Cp in the fight against free radicals and reactive oxygen species when the disease occurs due to an excessive use or reduced production of endogenous antioxidants.


Gryszczyńska B., Iskra M., Małecka M., Wielkoszyński T., Pachołek B., Gliszczyńska-Świgło A., Gryszczyńska A., Budzyń-Napierała M., Kasprzak M., Strzyżewski K. 2015. Raspberry seed extract, atherosclerosis obliterans, ceruloplasmin, ferroxidase activity, natural antioxidants. J. Elem., 20(2): 305 - 317, DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.3.662

Słowa kluczowe:

raspberry seed extract, atherosclerosis obliterans, ceruloplasmin, ferroxidase activity, natural antioxidants

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