The content of selected macroelements in the dry weight of permanent grassland sward, grass yields and its agricultural value
Wydanie: 3/2014
Otrzymano: Styczeń 23, 2014
Zaakceptowano: Lipiec 08, 2014
Opublikowano online: Wrzesień 1, 2014
Brak danych
Kategorie: Agricultural
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.3.582
Permanent grassland is a valuable source of valuable natural raw material for production of fodders. The fodder value of sward depends on the grass yield volume, agricultural value (UVN), content of minerals, etc. The present paper discusses the results of a study conducted in 2009-2011, on permanent grassland situated in the valley of the Por River. Samples of the plant material were taken before the first cut from selected, representative areas. They were used to assess, with basic analytical and statistical methods, the yielding, agricultural value (UVN) and chemical composition of hay. The content of P, K, Ca and Mg was determined in the dry weight of the sward by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAAS), while the total content of N was established by the Kjeldahl’s method. For easier interpretation of the results, the classified syntaxons (Matuszkiewicz 2006) were ranked into higher syntaxonomic units. The present research showed a fairly good content of P, Mg and Ca in the analyzed dry weight of plants, enough to satisfy the nutritional demand of ruminants. However, the total content of N and K in the plant samples was insufficient. The agricultural value (UVN) of the dry weight of plants and the yield volume of the examined phytocenoses were varied, which was statistically verified. The high value of variability coefficients also testifies to the considerable differentiation of all the analyzed features within particular syntaxonomic units.

Wyłupek T., Harkot W., Czarnecki Z. 2014. The content of selected macroelements in the dry weight of permanent grassland sward, grass yields and its agricultural value. J. Elem., 19(3): 853-864, DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.3.582
Słowa kluczowe:
total nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, yielding, agricultural value, meadow sward
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