Phenolic acids improve the antioxidant activity of ceruloplasmin isolated from plasma of healthy volunteers and atherosclerotic patients
Wydanie: 1/2015
Otrzymano: Październik 30, 2013
Zaakceptowano: Sierpień 27, 2014
Opublikowano online: Styczeń 1, 1970
Gryszczyńska B., Iskra M., Wielkoszynski T., Małecka M., Budzyn-Napierała M., Kasprzak M., Gryszczyńska A.
Kategorie: Medicine and veterinary
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.3.501
The aim of the present study was to estimate the ability of individual phenolic acids to eliminate Fe(II) ions from the solution. Moreover, the influence of phenolic acids on the ferroxidase activity of ceruloplasmin (Cp) isolated from blood plasma of healthy volunteers (CpC) and patients with atherosclerosis obliterans (CpAO) was established in vitro. Phenolic acids demonstrated a ferroxidase-like activity, i.e. the ability to eliminate Fe(II) ions, within the studied concentration range of 2.0-17.0 mol•10-5dm-3, in the following order of decreasing effectiveness: caffeic acid (CA)>ellagic acid (EA)>chlorogenic acid (ChA)>ferulic acid (FA) ≈ p-coumaric acid (PcA) = sinapic acid (SA). The study showed that the ability of phenolic acids to eliminate Fe(II) ions by oxidation or chelation was related to the structure of the former, to the presence of orto-OH groups, especially. Furthermore, the effect of the molar ratio of phenolic acid to Fe(II) ion was observed. EA and ChA, both containing two orto-OH groups and the highest number of –OH groups (4 and 5, respectively), demonstrated the greatest ability to eliminate Fe(II) ions, especially at the Fe(II) to phenolic acid molar ratio of 6:1. Phenolic acids added to samples with a constant amount of Cp caused decrease in the concentration of Fe(II) ions. Therefore, it may be assumed that the addition of phenolic acids to CpC and CpAO, even in low concentrations, caused a significant decrease in the concentration of Fe(II) ions.

Gryszczyńska B., Iskra M., Wielkoszyński T., Małecka M., Budzyń-Napierała M., Kasprzak M., Gryszczyńska A. 2015. Phenolic acids improve the antioxidant activity of ceruloplasmin isolated from plasma of healthy volunteers and patients. J. Elem., 20(1): 83 - 93, DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.3.501
Słowa kluczowe:
caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, ellagic acid, ferulic acid, sinapic acid, p-coumaric acid, atherosclerosis obliterans, ceruloplasmin, ferroxidase activity.
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