Spectroscopic properties of water soluble organic matter in artificial soil formed at a power plant from slag-ash deposits
Wydanie: 4/2024
Otrzymano: Lipiec 15, 2024
Zaakceptowano: Listopad 27, 2024
Opublikowano online: Grudzień 1, 2024
L. Mielnik, J. Chudecka, T. Tomaszewicz, E. Tomaszewicz, M. Podlasiński, E. Hewelke
Kategorie: Pollution and environment
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2024.29.3.3386
This study presents evaluation of properties of water extractable organic matter (WEOM) contained in anthropogenic soils, formed by superimposing of four types of surface layers (0-40 cm) containing mixtures of organic and mineral waste on ash-slag mixture (subsoil) left after coal combustion. After 12 years, selected properties of surface layers and subsoils were analyzed. Surface layers had texture of sands and loamy sands, conducive to water filtration. They were rich in organic matter and their pH was neutral or slightly alkaline. Their C:N ratios were usually optimum for soil organisms. Subsoils (40-60 cm) were strongly alkaline and often had texture of loamy restricting water filtration. WEOM fraction was evaluated by UV-Vis spectroscopy, fluorescence and delayed luminescence in order to disclose the variety of structural properties, which permitted evaluation of its potential migration properties into the profile. WEOM studied is poorly humified, which is reasonable taking into account a short (12 years) time of the process. Structurally simple particles of low molecular mass are preferentially transported deeper into the ash-slag layer. Also, local activity of microbes and release of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from plant root excretion may be the sources of a large contribution of WEOM in ash-slag subsoils. WEOM components of greater molecular mass are retained in surface layers. WEOM transportation into the soil profile depends on type of organic material, chemical and mineral components of different layers. The addition of ash significantly limits soil permeability, while bark is a sorbent of water together with substances dissolved in it.




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