Residue incorporation in biannual rotations of bean-corn and canola-corn affects soil chemical properties and corn yield
Wydanie: 3/2024
Otrzymano: Listopad 16, 2023
Zaakceptowano: Sierpień 7, 2024
Opublikowano online: Sierpień 11, 2024
J. Hirzel, P. Undurraga, C. Vera, I. Matus, P. Michelow
Kategorie: Agricultural
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2023.28.4.3221
Residue incorporation is not a common practice in many production systems in areas with a Mediterranean climate. The aim of research was study of effect residue incorporation levels of three cycles of two biannual rotations on corn yield and chemical properties of soil after of six years. An experiment was conducted with two biannual rotations (canola-corn and bean-corn) and four residue incorporation levels (0%, 50%, 100%, and 200%) in a Chilean Andisol (Melanoxerand). Corn grain yield and residue production were evaluated during three cycles of crop rotation, and soil chemical properties were evaluated at the end evaluation round. The experimental design was a split plot in which the main plot was the previous crop (two crops) and the split plot was the residue level (four levels). Results showed highest corn grain yield was obtained in the first evaluation season (p < 0.05), whose average for both rotations was 10.1% higher than the yield obtained as the average for the third season. On the other hand, the average residue production of the first two seasons was 15.2% higher than that obtained in the third season (p < 0.05). Chemical properties of the soil were affected by rotation, with an increase in pH in bean-corn, after bean cultivation and an increase in both exchangeable Al and available S in canola-corn and bean-corn, after canola. On the other hand, the use of increasing doses of residue allowed to consistently increase the content of both organic matter and exchangeable K in the soil, and partially the available P. The concentration of exchangeable Ca was increased with the increasing dose of residue only in the canola rotation. Finally, this work allows us to conclude that the continuous incorporation of the residues produced within the biannual rotations evaluated in this volcanic soil contributes to improve chemical properties of the soil, without affecting corn crop yield.




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