Response of Lukasovka pear trees to foliar zinc sprays
Wydanie: 1/2009
Otrzymano: Brak danych
Zaakceptowano: Brak danych
Opublikowano online: Wrzesień 11, 2012
Brak danych
Kategorie: Horticulture and forestry
DOI: jelem.2009.14.1.19
The aim of the study was to examine the efficiency of foliar zinc (Zn) application in pear culture. The experiment was carried out in 2005-2007 in a commercial orchard in central Poland, on 6-8 year-old cv. Lukasovka pear trees, grown on coarse-textured soil, moderately abundant in organic matter or available Zn and slightly acidic in reaction. The trees were sprayed with Zn as EDTA in three periods: (1) before bloom: at the stage of bud break, and green and white bud, at a rate of 80 g Zn ha-1 in each spray treatment; (2) after bloom: at petal fall, and 14 and 21 days after full bloom, at a rate of 50 g Zn ha-1 per spray or; (3) after harvest, 3-4 weeks before natural leaf fall, at a rate of 200 g Zn ha-1. Trees unsprayed with Zn served as the control. The results showed, that pre-bloom Zn sprays increased status of this micronutrient in flowers, and post-bloom Zn sprays – in leaves and fruits. However, foliar Zn sprays had no effect on tree vigor, set of flowers and fruitlets, yielding, mean fruit weight, fruit russeting, and content of organic acids and soluble solids in fruit flesh. It is concluded that foliar Zn sprays of pear trees with an optimal leaf Zn status (according to the current threshold values) are not successful in improving plant growth, yielding, and fruit quality.

Wójcik P., Popińska W. 2009. Response of Lukasovka pear trees to foliar zinc sprays. J. Elem. 14(1): 181 - 188.
Słowa kluczowe:
pear, zinc, foliar sprays
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