An attempt at evaluating the influence of water quality on the qualitative and quantitative structure of epiphytic fauna dwelling on Stratiotes aloides L., a case study on an oxbow lake of the Łyna river
Wydanie: 1/2009
Otrzymano: Brak danych
Zaakceptowano: Brak danych
Opublikowano online: Wrzesień 10, 2012
Brak danych
Kategorie: Biology and microbiology, Pollution and environment
DOI: jelem.2009.14.1.13
The paper contains the results of a study on the dependence of the qualitative and quantitative structure of the phytophilous macrofauna dwelling on Stratiotes aloides L. (water soldier) on the quality of waters in a lentic oxbow lake of the Łyna River. The observations were carried out during the vegetative season (April – June) 2006 at high and moderate water levels. During the study, a total of 18 taxa of invertebrates dwelling on the above plant species were identified, with the exact number of taxa varying in time: 11 taxa were noticed in April and May, and in June their number went up to 13. The examination of hydrochemical parameters of the oxbow lake waters revealed that the density of macrofauna was lower at higher values of proper conductivity and macronutrients, ammonia nitrogen and COD, increasing at high levels of sulphates. High concentrations of ammonia nitrogen and non-organic components coincided with decreased biomass of epiphytic animals on water soldier. Additionally, it has been observed that elevated concentrations of potassium ions have a negative influence on the biomass of most epiphytic animals (except Erpobdella sp.).

Obolewski K., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Kobus S. 2009. An attempt at evaluating the influence of water quality on the qualitative and quantitative structure of epiphytic fauna dwelling on Stratiotes aloides L., a case study on an oxbow lake of the Łyna river. J. Elem. 14(1): 119 - 134.
Słowa kluczowe:
epiphytic macrofauna, water chemism, oxbow lake, the Łyna River
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