Influence of modified trandermal hormone replacement therapy, including magnesium, on bone formation markers with osteoarthrosis of spine in women
Wydanie: 2/2009
Otrzymano: Brak danych
Zaakceptowano: Brak danych
Opublikowano online: Sierpień 27, 2012
Brak danych
Kategorie: Medicine and veterinary
DOI: jelem.2009.14.2.17
In a randomized study 50 women, aged 51.7±2.8 years, suffering from primary osteoarthrosis (OA), were divided into two, equal groups (I, II). The women were employed in garment industry in contract work system. They were working in compulsory, mainly standing position. The women complained of backache of the lumbar region continuing for the minimum 5 years. During the study, bone mineral density (BMD) of the lumbar spine was assessed twice with the densitometry DEXA method (Lunar Corporation equipment). Before treatment, structural changes in the lumbosacral spine were revealed using a CT Simens Sonata Plus 4. One energy technique (SEQCT) was applied. Concentrations of bone-forming markers in serum were measured three times: before treatment and 3 and 12 months afterwards. The concentration of acid phosphatase in serum was assessed by the enzymatic method according to Hitachi. The concentrations of osteocalcin and procolagen were radoimmunologically assessed by means of DRG Company – sets and concentration basal prolactin (PRL) before treatment radioimmunoassy kits produced by bioMerieux. In the first stage of the treatment, the women in the first group received placebo for three months. Slow Mag B6 was administered for three months to the women in the second group. the second stage of the treatment, the women in both groups received 21-day therapeutic cycles of modified transdermal hormonal replacement therapy. Additionally, bromocriptine (2.5 mg per day) and Slow Mag B6 (160 mg per day) were administered orally. The cycles repeated at a 7-day interval. During the interval, withdrawal bleeding occurred. The results were statistically assessed by means of computerized programme package Statistica PL, version 5. It was stated that in 60% of women suffering from primary OA the basal concentration of prolactin in serum in was elevated above 25 ng/ml; in 25% women it was on the border level, and in 15% of the patients it was below the lower limit of the normal values. The combined treatment in women suffering from OA caused increase in bone-forming markers and decrease in pathological resorption processes of mineralization of the vertebral bodies. After 12 months of the therapy, resorption in the lumbar spine was diminished compared to the initial values, before the treatment. These changes were significant in L3/L4 vertebral bodies (p

Stanosz M., Stanosz S., Puchalski A. 2009. Influence of modified trandermal hormone replacement therapy, including magnesium, on bone formation markers with osteoarthrosis of spine in women. J. Elem. 14(2): 365 - 372.
Słowa kluczowe:
Osteoarthrosis, bone mineral density, bone-forming markers, hyperprolactinemia, modified hormonal replacement therapy
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