Concentration of micronutrients in pea and lupin plants depending on the soil tillage system
Wydanie: 2/2009
Otrzymano: Brak danych
Zaakceptowano: Brak danych
Opublikowano online: Sierpień 27, 2012
Brak danych
Kategorie: Agricultural
DOI: jelem.2009.14.2.16
In a two-year field study, the changes in Cu, Zn, Mn and B concentrations in aerial parts of lupine and pea were observed under traditional and no-tillage system. In each year, plant material samples were collected four times at 10-day intervals, from 30 days after sowing to the flowering stage. In plants of one species but grown under different tillage systems, differences in the content of micronutrients occurred in the early growth season, and tended to disappear in the early inflorescence phase. In general, these concentrations were higher in plants under traditional tillage system. However, under drought conditions these concentrations were higher in plants under no-tillage system. Regardless of a tillage system, some changes in micronutrient concentration during the vegetation period were observed. Concentration of copper in aerial parts of plants evidently decreased as the plants grew older. Fluctuations in the levels of Zn, Mn, and B did not follow such clearly defined tendencies and were dependent on the plant’s species and individual elements.

Stanisławska-Glubiak E., Korzeniowska J. 2009. Concentration of micronutrients in pea and lupin plants depending on the soil tillage system. J.Elem. 14(2): 357 - 364.
Słowa kluczowe:
no-tillage, pea, lupin, microelements in plants
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