Herbal extracts in the diet of Holstein-Friesian bulls change the nutritional value of Longissimus lumborum and Semimembranosus muscles
Wydanie: 4/2022
Otrzymano: Marzec 14, 2022
Zaakceptowano: Październik 27, 2022
Opublikowano online: Grudzień 13, 2022
Pogorzelska-Przybyłek P., Nogalski Z., Purwin C., Momot M., Sobczuk-Szul M.
Kategorie: Food science
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2022.27.1.2271
The effects of herbal extracts included in diets for Holstein-Friesian (HF) bulls on the fatty acid profile, vitamin and mineral content of Longissimus lumborum (LL) and Semimembranosus (SM) muscles were evaluated to determine their potential beneficial influence on meat quality. The biochemical profile of bovine serum was determined. At six months of age, twenty four bulls were randomly assigned to one of three dietary treatments: diet C (Control), diet O (supplemented with the herbal preparation O), and diet OS (supplemented with herbal preparations O and S). At the end of the fattening period (mth 20), the animals were slaughtered, carcass traits were evaluated, and samples of LL and SM muscles were collected to determine the content of functional fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Dietary supplementation with herbal extracts O and OS increased the content of vitamin E and minerals (Na, Fe, Zn) in the analyzed muscles. The fat content of the muscles was affected by dietary treatments (P < 0.01). The SM muscle was characterized by a lower content of fat with a more desirable fatty acid profile, compared with the LL muscle. Dietary supplementation with composite herbal preparations improves the nutritional value of meat from HF bulls.

Pogorzelska-Przybyłek P., Nogalski Z., Sobczuk-Szul M., Momot M., Purwin C. 2022. Herbal extracts in the diet of Holstein-Friesian bulls change the nutritional value of Longissimus lumborum and Semimembranosus muscles. J. Elem., 27(4): 861 - 878. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2022.27.1.2271
Słowa kluczowe:
beef, biochemical blood parameters, fatty acids composition, herbal extracts, minerals, nutritional value
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