Nutritional properties of organic spelt wheats in different growth stages and the resulting flours
Wydanie: 3/2022
Otrzymano: Marzec 12, 2022
Zaakceptowano: Sierpień 04, 2022
Opublikowano online: Wrzesień 7, 2022
Żuk-Gołaszewska K., Majewska K., Tyburski J., Gołaszewski J.
Kategorie: Agricultural, Food science
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2022.27.1.2267
The content of selected nutrients was determined in immature grain (IG) and mature grain (MG) of seven organically grown spelt cultivars, as well as in the resulting flours (F). A common wheat cultivar was used as a reference. The examined spelt grain and flours were more abundant in protein than common wheat, but they contained a similar amount of exogenous and endogenous amino acids to common wheat. The protein profile of spelt IG was characterized by a higher concentration of essential amino acids in comparison with MG and F. Spelt cultivars also contained more ash, nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, and zinc. With the exception of selenium, the content of all minerals was higher in IG and MG than in F samples, but significant differences were noted only in the content of ash and potassium, which was higher in IG samples. Both IG and MG were more abundant in micronutrients than F samples. IG and MG samples contained more lipids and unsaturated oleic acid than common wheat products. Common wheat grain had higher tocopherol and vitamin levels, although spelt cultivars varied considerably in this respect, and tocopherol and vitamin concentrations were both significantly lower and comparable with the values noted in common wheat. The study demonstrated that organically grown IG of both common wheat and spelt wheat is a source of wheat products with high nutritional value.

Żuk-Gołaszewska K., Majewska K., Tyburski J., Gołaszewski J. 2022. Nutritional properties of organic spelt wheats in different growth stages and the resulting flours. J. Elem., 27(3): 645 - 662. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2022.27.1.2267
Słowa kluczowe:
spelt wheat, common wheat, nutritional value, macro- and microelements
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