Influence of vitamin E, A and beta-carotene parenteral application to pregnant cows on selected parameters in their cows' serum and on the quality of colostrum
Wydanie: 3/2021
Otrzymano: Kwiecień 12, 2021
Zaakceptowano: Lipiec 27, 2021
Opublikowano online: Wrzesień 9, 2021
Kadek R., Mikulková K., Filípek J., Illek J., Żarczyńska K.
Kategorie: Medicine and veterinary
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2021.26.3.2151
The aim of the study was to determine the effect of parenteral application of two vitamin preparations to pregnant cows (vitamins E and A to the1st experimental group, and β-carotene to the 2nd experimental group) in the period of 10-14 days before parturition on the following selected parameters in their serum: the levels of vitamins E, A, β-carotene, total antioxidation status (TAS), haematological parametres, and in their colostrum: vitamins E, β-carotene, evaluation according to the BRIX scale with a refractometer. The cows’ blood samples were collected three times: 10-14 days before expected calving, on the day of calving and 7 days after calving. Colostrum samples were collected once, immediately after calving. A statistically significant difference in the β-carotene levels after parenteral application was observed in the 2nd experimental group (6.05 μmol l-1; P˂0.01) at the day of calving when compared to the control group (3.61 μmol l-1), and 7 days postpartum (5.35 μmol l-1; P˂0.001) when compared to the control group (3.41 μmol l-1). The level of TAS was significant (P˂ 0.001) for this group in the second (0.51 mmol l-1) and third sampling (0.88 mmol l-1; P˂ 0.01) when compared with the control group (0.50 mmol l-1; respectively 0.75 mmol l-1) and the 1st experimental group (0.44 mmol l-1; respectively 0.70 mmol l-1). There were no significant changes in the level of vitamin E and vitamin A in cow serum, in haematological parametres and in the quality and concetrations of vitamins in colostrum between the groups. The parenteral application of synthetic β-carotene had an effect on the level of β-carotene in the 2nd experimental group and was likely to affect also the level of TAS in this group. On the other hand, the level of vitamin E, A in serum and the quality of colostrum were not influenced by parenteral vitamin application.

Kadek R., Mikulková K., Filípek J., Illek J., Żarczyńska K. 2021. Influence of vitamin E, A and beta-carotene parenteral application to pregnant cows on selected parameters in their cows' serum and on the quality of colostrum. J. Elem., 26(3): 601-612. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2021.26.3.2151
Słowa kluczowe:
vitamin E, vitamin A, beta-carotene, serum, colostrum, antioxidant capacity
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