Levels of microelements (Cu, Zn, Fe) and macroelements (Mg, Ca) in freshwater fish
Wydanie: 3/2009
Otrzymano: Brak danych
Zaakceptowano: Brak danych
Opublikowano online: Lipiec 30, 2012
Brak danych
Kategorie: Fisheries and animal bioengineering
DOI: jelem.2009.14.3.02
The paper evaluates the effect of culture conditions and culture site on levels of certain microelements (Zn, Cu, Fe) and macroelements (Mg, Ca) in three species of freshwater fish: rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum), common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.), and Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri Brandt). The study involved 90 individuals of freshwater fish aged from 6 to 12 months. Samples of blood, liver, kidney, gills, skin and muscles were collected from each fish and subjected to chemical assay of Mg, Ca, Zn, Cu, Fe with inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry in a JY-24 Jobin Yvon apparatus. The study revealed that culture site had statistically significant impact on levels of the examined elements among the three fish species. Mg content in kidney and skin was significantly higher in carp than in sturgeon. Similar regularities were observed for Ca content in skin and Zn content in kidney. Liver and kidney levels of Fe and Cu were significantly lower in carp than in rainbow trout. Of all the three examined fish species, rainbow trout had the highest skin levels of Ca and Mg, and the highest blood level of Fe. The results indicate that culture site and culture conditions exerted significant influence on levels of macro- and microelements in freshwater fish.

Brucka-Jastrzębska E., Kawczuga D., Rajkowska M., Protasowicki M. 2009. Levels of microelements (Cu, Zn, Fe) and macroelements (Mg, Ca) in freshwater fish. J. Elem. 14(3): 437-447.
Słowa kluczowe:
freshwater fish, Cyprinus carpio L., Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, Acipenser baeri Brandt, macroelements, microelements
O wydaniu:
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