Effect of the fertilization of meadow sward with amino acids obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis on silage quality
Wydanie: 1/2020
Otrzymano: Lipiec 05, 2019
Zaakceptowano: Listopad 04, 2019
Opublikowano online: Grudzień 9, 2019
Radkowski A., Radkowska I., Bocianowski J.
Kategorie: Agricultural
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2019.24.3.1890
The quality of meadow sward grown for silage suffers because of the increasingly frequent droughts occurring in recent years in Poland. To alleviate the drought stress, a number of preparations known as plant growth stimulants or biostimulants are increasingly used for cultivation alongside basic mineral fertilization. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of fertilizing meadow sward with an amino acid formula on silage quality. The experiment, conducted in 2016–2018, was set up on a privately owned farm situated in the Kraków District, Małopolskie Voivodeship, Poland. A field trial was established on a permanent meadow in a randomized block design with four replications. The experimental plots were 10 m2 in area. The soil under the experimental meadow was degraded Chernozem formed from loess, categorized as quality class I. The treatment consisted of spraying with an amino acid preparation, which was applied in two doses: 1 and 2 dm3·ha-1. The prepared plant material was analysed for basic chemical composition using the standard method. Comparison of the mean values showed that silages from the plot fertilized with an amino acid formula had a favourable content of crude protein, crude fat, water soluble carbohydrates and lactic acid, the highest concentration of which occurred when 2 dm3·ha-1 of the amino acid formula was applied. Out of all the silages, the highest score was awarded to the silage from meadow sward in the plot fertilized with 2 dm3·ha-1 of the amino acid formula. Good results were also obtained for plants originating from the plot fertilized with 1 dm3·ha-1 of the amino acid formula. In summary, it is concluded that the supplemental amino acid formula had a favourable effect on the development of aerial biomass. The silages made from it were characterized by high quality owing to low butyric acid and ammonia concentrations. The higher the concentration of the investigated stimulator used for spraying, the higher its effectiveness.

Radkowski A., Radkowska I., Bocianowski J. 2020. Effect of the fertilization of meadow sward with amino acids obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis on silage quality. J. Elem., 25(1): 259 - 277. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2019.24.3.1890
Słowa kluczowe:
left-handed amino acids, enzymatic hydrolysis, meadow sward, organic nutrient content, organic acids
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