The effect of diets including gluten-free bread on content of calcium and magnesium in rats with deficiencies of these elements
Wydanie: 1/2020
Otrzymano: Marzec 14, 2019
Zaakceptowano: Maj 19, 2019
Opublikowano online: Listopad 13, 2019
Rogaska A., Reguła J., Król E.
Kategorie: Food science
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2019.24.2.1830
Celiac disease and gluten intolerance affect a growing proportion of the population. The most important minerals for proper growth are calcium and magnesium. These minerals are often deficient. Bread is the most popular type of food, and therefore this product was enriched in this study. The aim was to assess the influence of a diet including gluten-free breads enriched with milk and seeds on the content of calcium and magnesium in the organs (liver, pancreas, kidney, femur and heart) and blood of 48 male Wistar rats, after a deficiency of the selected minerals had been induced by a 40-day nutritional intervention. After the intervention, the rats were euthanized, the organs were collected and their mineral content was measured. The aim was to design breads with a high content of Ca and Mg. The number of additives influenced the content of minerals in the diet. There was no statistical difference in the content of calcium and magnesium in the blood of rats in any group. Significant differences in the content of calcium were observed in the pancreas and liver of rats fed the all types of bread and the number of additives. Significant differences in the content of magnesium were observed in the femur of rats fed all types of breads and the number of additives. No influence was found on the general nutritional parameters and blood content of calcium and magnesium. However, the addition of enriched gluten-free breads to a diet was found to influence the content of calcium and magnesium in selected organs.

Rogaska A., Regula J., Krol E. 2020. The effect of diets including gluten-free bread on content of calcium and magnesium in rats with deficiencies of these elements. J. Elem., 25(1): 21-34. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2019.24.2.1830
Słowa kluczowe:
calcium deficiency, magnesium deficiency, gluten-free bread, enriched diet, rats
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