Influence of sulphur fertilization on yielding and chemical composition of grain of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in different habitat conditions
Wydanie: 3/2019
Otrzymano: Wrzesień 14, 2018
Zaakceptowano: Styczeń 08, 2019
Opublikowano online: Maj 14, 2019
Stankowski S., Podolska G., Kaczmarek S., Jaroszewska A. , Hury G., Sobolewska M.
Kategorie: Agricultural
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2018.23.4.1743
The reduction of sulphur immission observed for many years and associated with significant reduction of its emissions from commercial power plants has reduced its amounts both in the air and soil to a level insufficient for arable crops. As a result, the negative balance for this component is deepening. Therefore, taking into account the role of sulphur in plant nutrition, the current state of knowledge limited mainly to winter oilsed rape and the progressing reduction of sulphur emissions into the atmosphere, studies have been performed to determine the effect of various sulphur fertilizers, both soil as well as soil and plant spray, on yield, yield components, plant physiological parameters and grain chemical composition depending on different sulphur contents in the soil (two locations). The experimental factors were: 2 locations (IUNG - PIB Puławy 51o 24' 59'' N - 21o58' 09'' E, IOR- PIB Poznań 52o 24' 24'' N - 16o 55' 47'' E) and 6 variants of sulphur fertilization. Spring wheat fertilization with sulphur, regardless of the form of the fertilizer used, resulted in a significant increase in grain yield, TGW (1000 grains weight), SPAD (greening index) and N content in the grain. The best results of the applied sulphur fertilization on the yield, yield components and mineral composition of wheat grain were recorded in conditions of insufficient sulphur in soil. Among the fertilizers used, liquid Sulfone was characterized by clearly better yield-forming traits than any other fertilizer, regardless of a dose.

Stankowski S., Podolska G., Kaczmarek S., Jaroszewska A., Hury G., Sobolewska M. 2019. Influence of sulphur fertilization on yielding and chemical composition of grain of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in different habitat conditions. J. Elem., 24(3): 1007 - 1023. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2018.23.4.1743
Słowa kluczowe:
sulphur fertilization, Triticum aestivum L., yield components, mineral compounds of grain, yield, SPAD index
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