Effect of mineral fertilisers and organic fertilisation on the content and ionic proportions of macronutrients in the biomass of perennial ryegrass
Wydanie: 3/2019
Otrzymano: Sierpień 28, 2018
Zaakceptowano: Luty 25, 2019
Opublikowano online: Kwiecień 13, 2019
Możdżer E., Styrczula P.
Kategorie: Agricultural
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2018.23.4.1729
A three-factorial, plant-growing, pot experiment was carried out in 2007-2008. Test plants were seeded in soil representing heavy loamy sand, classified as very good rye complex, soil valuation class IVa in the Polish soil taxonomy. The first factor consisted of series with and without compost made from municipal sewage sludge, the second factor corresponded to types of multi-component mineral fertilisers, and the third factor was composed of doses of mineral fertilisers. Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) of the variety Stadion was the test plant. Multi-component mineral fertilisers and urea applied with the use of compost increased the content of macronutrients in perennial ryegrass compared to the treatment from which organic fertiliser was excluded. The increased content of macroelements in the test plant in the compost control treatment did not exceed values that were achieved in the series of trials without compost. The results present the amounts of nutrients introduced into the soil in the form of compost made of sewage sludge and mineral fertilisers. The research indicated that mineral fertilisation applied without and with the use of organic fertilisation contributed to obtaining the optimal ionic ratio of K:(Ca+Mg) and expansion of the K:Ca ratio above the optimal value in perennial ryegrass. Mineral fertilisers with the addition of urea and a dose of compost resulted in the expansion of the K:Ca ionic ratio in the perennial ryegrass compared to the control by 20.4, 24.4 and 22.4%. The purpose of the experiment was to determine the effect of selected mineral multi-component fertilisers (SF 20, SP 25, In 4 and urea) with combined organic (compost) fertilisation on the content of macroelements and shaping the ionic proportions K:Mg, K:Ca, K:(Ca+Mg), N:S in the biomass yield of perennial ryegrass.

Możdżer E., Styrczula P. 2019. Effect of mineral fertilisers and organic fertilisation on the content and ionic proportions of macronutrients in the biomass of perennial ryegrass. J.Elem., 24(3): 865 - 878. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2018.23.4.1729
Słowa kluczowe:
multi-component mineral fertilizers, sevage, sludge, compost, content of macroelements, ionic relations
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