Effect of forecrops on the yield and quality of common wheat and spelt wheat grain
Wydanie: 1/2019
Otrzymano: Luty 26, 2018
Zaakceptowano: Sierpień 21, 2018
Opublikowano online: Październik 28, 2018
Wanic M., Denert M., Treder K.
Kategorie: Agricultural
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2018.23.1.1585
Owing to the quality values of its grain, spelt wheat has become an increasingly often cultivated cereal not only in bio-farming but also in other systems of agriculture. The aim of this study was to compare the yield and quality of grain of common wheat and spelt wheat grown on plots after winter oilseed rape, pea, and after wheat/spelt wheat. The research was based on a field experiment carried out in Bałcyny (Poland). Two experimental factors were investigated: 1. Subspecies of winter wheat: common wheat and spelt wheat; 2. Cultivation of these cereals after winter oilseed rape, pea, and after winter wheat/spelt wheat. Results presented in this manuscript originate from years 2013-2015. The following determinations were performed on the grain each year: grain yield, contents of protein, wet gluten and starch, sedimentation index, falling number and contents nutrients. The yield of spelt wheat grain was by over 20% lower than that of common wheat grain. Its grain contained more protein, wet gluten, Ca, Mg and Zn, and less starch K and Fe. Grain yield of both cereals was positively affected by winter oilseed rape and negatively by wheat/spelt used as the forecrop. Their culture after pea significantly increased protein content of their grain, and also wet gluten content in the case of spelt wheat grain. In common wheat grain from a rotation plot in succession (wheat after wheat), values of these parameters were lower than in common wheat grain harvested after pea and oilseed rape. The forecrops had no effect on the other technological parameters of the grain of both cereals and on the P, K, Mg, Ca, and Cu content in the grain. Grain of common wheat grown after oilseed rape contained more Fe, and grain of wheat grown after pea had more Zn than after the other forecrops. Grain of spelt wheat from the plot after pea had a higher content of Mn, and that of spelt wheat from succession plot had less Fe.

Wanic M., Denert M., Treder K. 2019. Effect of forecrops on the yield and quality of common wheat and spelt wheat grain. J. Elem., 24(1): 369 - 383. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2018.23.1.1585
Słowa kluczowe:
common wheat, spelt wheat, forecrops, technological quality, elements
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