Effects of nitrogen fertilisation on the yield, micronutrient content and fatty acid profiles of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties
Wydanie: 2/2018
Otrzymano: Sierpień 30, 2017
Zaakceptowano: Listopad 19, 2017
Opublikowano online: Luty 27, 2018
Wojtkowiak K., Stępień A., Pietrzak-Fiećko R., Warechowska M.
Kategorie: Agricultural
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2017.22.3.1524
The nutritional and technological value of grains is determined mostly by genetic traits of crops, and also by environmental conditions, such as the weather, soil conditions and applied crop production technology. The aim of the study was to assess the effects of nitrogen fertilisation on the yield components, the yield of grains, grain mineral content and technological indicators, including fatty acid profiles, in grains of winter wheat. A field experiment was carried out in north-eastern Poland (53°72 N; 20°42 E), in 2013-2016. The aim was to examine the following two factors: I – two doses of nitrogen fertilisation (150 and 200 kg ha-1); II – four wheat varieties (Bogatka, KWS Ozon, Sailor, and Smuga). The yield of grains of the tested winter wheat varieties ranged from 6.64 to 8.35 t ha-1. A significant effect of the varieties on the yield of grains was noted, with the emphasis on the better yield of Bogatka and KWS Ozon varieties. Generally, a higher nitrogen dose resulted in an increase in the Fe content (by 10.0%) owing to its higher content in grains of the varieties Bogatka (by 27.3%), Sailor (by 16.7%), and Smuga (by 8.9%). Linoleic acid (57.9%), palmitic acid (23.0%), oleic acid and octadecanoic acid (12.1%), linolenic acid (4.0%) and stearic acid (1.2%) were quantitatively dominant in the fatty acid profile of the oil. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) accounted for an over 60% share in the total fatty acid content. No significant average effect of the increase in nitrogen fertilisation on changes to the fatty acid content in wheat grains was demonstrated, which suggests that the percentage of fatty acids in lipids is rimarily dependent on the genetic factor rather than on fertilisation. High correlation was found between the monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) content and the amounts of Cu (r=0.815) and Fe (r=0.616). Adequate quality of wheat grains can be guaranteed by proper selection of a variety.

Wojtkowiak K., Stępień A., Pietrzak-Fiećko R., Warechowska M. 2018. Effects of nitrogen fertilisation on the yield, micronutrient content and fatty acid profiles of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties. J. Elem., 23(2): 483 - 495. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2017.22.3.1524
Słowa kluczowe:
fatty acid profiles, microelements, varieties, nitrogen fertilisation
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