Evaluation of iron and zinc content in grain of Aegilops L. × Triticum aestivum L. hybrid lines
Wydanie: 2/2018
Otrzymano: Czerwiec 29, 2017
Zaakceptowano: Listopad 04, 2017
Opublikowano online: Luty 27, 2018
Prażak R., Krzepiłko A.
Kategorie: Agricultural
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2017.22.3.1486
The aim of the study, carried out in 2012-2014, was to evaluate the content of iron and zinc in the grain of 15 hybrid lines of Aegilops kotschyi Boiss. and Ae. variabilis Eig. with Triticum aestivum L. and their parent forms. The content of micronutrients was analysed in grain samples from the plants with the highest 1,000 grain weight. The Fe and Zn content was determined by the ASA method. The study showed that the grain of the hybrid lines had a higher iron and zinc content (mean results from three years: 42.3 mg Fe kg-1 DW and 43.5 mg Zn kg-1 DW) than that of the parent wheat components (35.2 mg Fe kg-1 DW and 33.3 mg Zn kg-1 DW). The highest content of iron and zinc was found in the seeds of the wild parent species Ae. kotschyi Boiss (59.7 mg Fe kg-1 DW and 54.0 mg Zn kg-1 DW) and Ae. variabilis Eig. (61.9 mg Fe kg-1 DW and 49.1 mg Zn kg-1 DW). Among the hybrids of Ae. variabilis Eig. with T. aestivum L., the line Ae. variabilis Eig. × Rusałka stood out, with its grain containing on average 56.3 mg Fe kg-1 DW and 57.2 mg Zn kg-1 DW. Among the Ae. kotschyi Boiss × T. aestivum L. lines, the highest iron and zinc content was noted in the grain of Ae. kotschyi Boiss × Rusałka (51.9 mg Fe kg-1 DW and 51.3 mg Zn kg-1 DW), (Ae. kotschyi Boiss. × Rusałka) × Korweta (45.1 mg Fe kg-1 DW and 44.4 mg Zn kg), and [(Ae. kotschyi Boiss. × Rusałka) × Begra] × Piko (42.0 mg Fe kg-1 DW and 49.2 mg Zn kg-1 DW). The average iron content in the grain of the common wheat cultivars ranged from 32.3 mg kg-1 DW (cv. Piko) to 37.5 mg kg-1 DW (cv. Begra), and the zinc content ranged from 29.6 mg kg-1 DW (cv. Muza) to 36.7 mg kg-1 DW (cv. Turnia).

Prażak R., Krzepiłko A. 2018. Evaluation of iron and zinc content in grain of Aegilops L. × Triticum aestivum L. hybrid lines. J. Elem., 23(2): 545 - 557. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2017.22.3.1486
Słowa kluczowe:
Aegilops kotschyi Boiss., Ae. variabilis Eig., common wheat, hybrid lines, micronutrients, 1 000 grain weight
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