Quality of fruit cherry, peach and plum cultivated under diferent water and fertilization regimes
Wydanie: 1/2011
Otrzymano: Brak danych
Zaakceptowano: Brak danych
Opublikowano online: Marzec 18, 2012
Brak danych
Kategorie: Horticulture and forestry
DOI: jelem.2011.16.1.51-58
In 2003–2005, a two-factors field experiment was set up on sandy soil of low useful water retention. The aim of the study has been to determine the effect of irrigation and mineral fertilization on the quality of some species of stone fruit trees. The treatments were designed by the split-plot method in 7 replications with cherry, 5 replications with peach, and 4 replications with plum trees. Swards between the trees and herbicide fallows in the rows of trees were maintained. Two factors were considered: subcrown irrigation and mineral fertilization. The mineral fertilization comprised the following variants: 0 NPK –no fertilization, 1 NPK – 130 kg NPK ha–1, 2 NPK – 260 kg NPK ha–1 for cherry and plum trees, and 0 NPK – no fertilization, 1 NPK – 150 kg NPK ha–1, 2 NPK – 300 kg NPK ha–1 for peach. Irrigation and fertilization differentiated concentrations of macro- and micronutrients in fruits of cherry, peach and plum trees. Irrigation resulted in a higher content of sugars and vitamin C in the dry matter of peaches and a lower concentration of sugars in cherries. A higher dose of mineral fertilizers depressed the dry matter content in fruit of plum trees and the concentration of sugars in the fresh matter of cherries.

Jaroszewska A. 2011. Quality of fruit cherry, peach and plum cultivated under diferent water and fertilization regimes. 16(1): 51-58.
Słowa kluczowe:
irrigation, fertilization, mineral compounds, sugar, vitamin C, acidity
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