Assessment of the effect of sulphur fertilisation on oat grain yield and micronutrient uptake
Wydanie: 1/2018
Otrzymano: Październik 03, 2016
Zaakceptowano: Lipiec 23, 2017
Opublikowano online: Wrzesień 20, 2017
Barczak B., Klikocka H., Kozera W., Knapowski T.
Kategorie: Agricultural
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2017.22.1.1318
A three-year, single-factor, field experiment was conducted on lessive soil (Haplic Luvisols) with low sulphur content. The aim of the experiment was to determine the effect of selected fertilisers containing ionic sulphur (ammonium sulphate(VI) and potassium sulphate(VI)) and elemental sulphur (Wigor S) on grain yield of the Komes cultivar of oat and on its content of micronutrients (Mn, Fe, Zn and Cu) and their uptake. The fertilisers were applied at doses of 20 and 40 kg S·ha-1. Although oat is a species with low sulphur requirements, the study confirmed the positive effect of this nutrient on yield. The average difference in grain yield between plants fertilised and not fertilised with sulphur was 7.8%. No significant differences were noted in the effect of the fertilisers tested on yield. For the ionic form of sulphur, no difference in yield was noted between application doses of 20 and 40 kg·ha-1. Application of this nutrient had a significant effect on the manganese and copper content in the oat grain and on the uptake of all micronutrients tested. Of all the fertilisers tested, ammonium sulphate(VI) caused the greatest increase in the content and uptake of all micronutrients except for iron. Application of sulphur, particularly in the form of ammonium sulphate, generally reduced the Fe:Mn ratio. The positive effect of sulphur on yield and its generally positive effect on the content and uptake. of the microelements tested in the oat grain substantiate the need to include this nutrient in cultivation techniques for this species.

Barczak B., Klikocka H., Kozera W., Knapowski T. 2018. Assessment of the effect of sulphur fertilisation on oat grain yield and micronutrient uptake. J. Elem., 23(1): 45 - 56. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2017.22.1.1318
Słowa kluczowe:
elemental sulphur, ionic sulphur, micronutrients content, micronutrients uptake, manganese, copper, zinc, iron
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