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Journal Title Abbrev.
J. Elem.
ISSN – 1644-2296
DOI: 10.5601

Szukaj artykułu

Effect of growth regulators on the mineral balance in spring triticale

Wydanie: 4/2010

Otrzymano: Brak danych

Zaakceptowano: Brak danych

Opublikowano online: Marzec 18, 2012


Brak danych

Kategorie: Agricultural

DOI: jelem.2010.15.4.745-756


It  is  assumed  that  progress  in  cultivar breeding  corresponds  to over 50% of the increase in cereal yields.  Among possible ways of improving the success of fertilisation and, consequently, increasing  yields  and  enhancing  the  mineral  balance  in  crops  is  the  application  of growth regulators. The  purpose  of this study  has  been to assess  the  effect of growth regulators  and their  doses on the mineral   balance  in  spring  triticale. The research  was based on a two-factor pot experiment,  completed  in  four  replicates. The  experiment  was carried   out  in Kick-Brauckmann pots  filled  with   light  soil  of slightly  acidic  reaction and highly  abundant   in available forms  of P, moderately  abundant  in K and  poor in Mg. Mineral fertilisation  per pot consisted  of 1.5  g N,  2.0  g K and  0.25  g Mg. Nitrogen  and  potassium were  applied  in two rates  - half  the  complete dose before sowing  and  the  remaining  amount  as  top dressing during  the  stem elongation  phase.  All  the  rate  of magnesium was introduced  to soil before sowing. Prior   to  sowing  the  tested  cereal,   grain  of cv.  Migo spring triticale was soaked for 24 hours in water (control) or in aqueous solutions  of growth regulators:  IBA  (indole butyric acid),  NAA  (a-naphthaleneacetic  acid),  BAP   (benzyl adenine):  5, 10, 20 mg dm-3; GA3 (gibberellin  acid):  20,  40,  80 mg dm-3 and  Tria (triacontanol): 0.1,  0.2,  0.2  mg dm-3. Spring triticale was  harvested  in  the full maturity stage. An  increase  in  the  total  nitrogen concentration  in grain  ranged from  6%  following  an application   of GA3  to 15%  after using NAA.   Owing  to its increased  concentration  and  higher  yield  of triticale, the accumulation  of nitrogen in  grain  increased  by  about  20%  in plants   treated  with   NAA  and by 15-17%  when  the  seed  material was  dressed  with  Tria, BAP or  GA3.   IBA  produced the weakest   effect,  increasing   the  accumulation  of this  nutrient  in grain  by just  8%.  This effect was  obtained mainly  by improved  remobilisation and transport   of N  from  vegetative parts  to grain. The  contribution of grain  to nitrogen  accumulation  varied   from  63% (control) to 71-73% after  an  application  of the  tested  growth regulators.   Under   the influence   of IBA, the concentration of potassium   (by  14%)  and  the share  of straw  in potassium  accumulation increased. In respect of the other macronutrients, the  influence of growth regulators was less evident.


Wierzbowska J., Sienkiewicz S., Bowszys T. 2010. Effect of growth regulators on the mineral balance in spring triticale. J. Elem. 15(4): 745-756.

Słowa kluczowe:

spring triticale, mineral balance, growth regulators

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