Iodine content in running surface waters in areas with more intensive landscape management in the Czech Republic
Wydanie: 1/2017
Otrzymano: Listopad 13, 2015
Zaakceptowano: Listopad 16, 2016
Opublikowano online: Grudzień 25, 2016
Šeda M., Konečný R., Fiala K., Hladký J., Švehla J., Trávníček J.
Kategorie: Agricultural, Pollution and environment
DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2015.20.4.1044
The aim of this study has been to make an analysis and evaluation of iodine content in running surface waters in protected landscape areas (PLA) in the Czech Republic. Water samples were taken in 2009-2011 in Jeseníky PLA (Rapotín locality) and in Šumava PLA (Arnoštov and Lipno localities), and in 2009-2010 in the upper course of the Blanice River and its tributaries in and outside of Šumava PLA. Iodine was determined by the ICP-MS method. The average iodine content was 1.55±0.33 μg dm-3 (n=41) in Jeseníky PLA and 2.58±0.33 μg dm-3 (n=24) and 2.29±0.84 μg dm-3 (n=30) in Šumava PLA. The average iodine content in water samples of the Blanice River and its tributaries localized in Šumava PLA was 2.27±0.65 and 2.38±0.66 μg dm-3 and outside of Šumava PLA it equalled 2.90±0.68 and 3.26±1.51 μg dm-3. The lowest concentration of 1.43 μg dm-3 was found out in a sample from the Spálenecký brook (Šumava PLA), and the highest one, 7.63 μg dm-3, was determined in a sample from the Živný brook, which flows below the town Prachatice. Higher concentrations were measured in the summer season: 3.05±0.35 (Blanice) and 3.63±1.24 μg dm-3 (tributaries), while lower ones were determined in the spring season: 1.48±0.30 (Blanice) and 2.37±1.12 μg dm-3 (tributaries). The results confirm the low iodine content in the environment of Jeseníky and Šumava Mts., and the self-purification capacity of the Blanice River even when it is stressed with anthropogenic iodine.

Šeda M., Konečný R., Fiala K., Hladký J., Švehla J., Trávníček J. 2017. Iodine content in running surface waters in areas with more intensive landscape management in the Czech Republic. J. Elem., 22(1): 295 - 304. DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2015.20.4.1044
Słowa kluczowe:
Iodine, surface water, protected landscape areas, ICP-MS
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