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J. Elem.
ISSN – 1644-2296
DOI: 10.5601

Szukaj artykułu

Fluctuations of sodium, copper, zinc, iron and manganese in potato tubers in the organic and integrated production system

Wydanie: 2/2016

Otrzymano: Styczeń 30, 2015

Zaakceptowano: Wrzesień 07, 2015

Opublikowano online: Luty 13, 2016


Sawicka B., Barbaś P., Skiba D.

Kategorie: Agricultural

DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2015.20.2.865


Studies were based on a field experiment performed in Parczew, in 2009-2011. The field trials were located on podzolic soil. The experimental factors were plant production systems (integrated and ecological) and four potato cultivars. Potato tubers were sown at a spacing of 70 x 35 cm. The integrated system included phosphatic and potassium fertilization equivalent to the uptake of the following quantities of nutrients: 110 kg N, 60 kg P, 70 kg K ha-1. Compost supplied in a dose of 35 t ha-1 was used only once in a crop rotation, under potato. The chemical plant protection treatments were applied according to the thresholds of damage caused by agrophages. No fertilization or pesticides were introduced in the ecological system, except for an application of a preparation against potato beetle. Two-year-old compost was used under potato in a dose of 35 t ha-1. Weed control in the organic system consisted of harrowing with a weeder until plant emergence, triple hilling and single hand hoeing prior to the last hilling. Potato tubers were harvested at full maturity. Samples of potato tubers for chemical analyses were taken from plots during the harvest. The content of some macro- and microelements in the dry matter of potato tubers was determined by the AAS method. The organic farming system has contributed to a higher accumulation of iron in tubers but the content of zinc was lower in comparison with the integrated system. The two farming systems did not have a significant effect on the content of sodium, copper or manganese in potato tubers. Genetic traits of the analyzed cultivars had the strongest influence on the content of elements in potato tubers. Tubers from the cultivar Irga had the highest content of sodium and copper. The concentration of zinc was the highest in tubers of cv. Satina, iron – in tubers of cv. Bryza and manganese – in tubers of cv. Jelly. The response of potato cultivars to the production systems has proved to be diverse.


Sawicka B., Barbaś P., Skiba D. 2016. Fluctuations of sodium, copper, zinc, iron and manganese in potato tubers in the organic and integrated production system. J. Elem., 21(2): 539 - 547, DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2015.20.2.865

Słowa kluczowe:

mineral composition, potato cultivars, systems tillage

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